As I watch the "alliances" I have deteriorate, but not really, it is apparent that everyone is lying to everyone
Why not. But they likely think they have a solid alliance just not with the weird British guy..who is fooled.
BB, I am not fooled. The silence...the feeding me information to see what I'd do with it. Tests of loyalty. Hell, loyalty? It only goes so far. One sniff of deception even if just under consideration and no loyalty from me whatsover.
Two routes tonight...Going home or kept to have a bigger target
Going home option...blow this house right up; out every single sub alliance...every single one cross alliance...every comment made by one about another. And maybe a few that never happened just to mix things up. After all the messages will be gone so there is nothing but hearsay from a guy that tells the truth.
Stay? Shake up existing foundations. After all the easiest way to predict a betrayal is not talking to you. Very silent today. Ride or dies don't want to talk strategy? Seems odd. Not really, just very predictable...and easy to piece together who is really working with whom.
Being told not to blow this all up? Sure fire bet it needs to happen, tonight