Morning fellow quarantinees!
Last night was a good night. My best girl Astrid won HOH in her room and Cent, another one of the Lucky 7, took his. Looks like Cent was picked for the Luxury power and he split the rooms beautifully. Oprah and Annalise already hate one another so he put them together. I'm encouraging the group to keep Annalise if she goes up because that room is already in shambles.
Last night I made some strategic "mistakes". I posted a few misplaced tweets which Snorlax quickly caught on to - bless her, she is a smart one. I laid it off on being "stoned" before the comp because I wasn't ready. I wasn't stoned. I'm never stoned. I need to bumble things up from time to time so I appear less threatening. I already know Eric comes off as smart and articulate, so I need to give him some sort of crutch. It appears to have worked. I won't be repeating it. It was enough to have people already sending me private messages "coaching" me a long with subtle reminders.
"Eric, don't forget to..." They all think I need someone to hold my hand now. Fantastic.
I am worried we might lose Keith but hopeful we do not. He is in my offshoot group with Stacia. I want to keep both of them safe for as long as possible because I truly like them a lot. Keith fell asleep and was the last one to vote last night, costing his team immunity. Cent already told him he was going up but we promised to fight for him.
I think the first vote will be easy because there are still so many people playing. The rest will get harder.
Happy Monday, people. Party on!