1. Shelli
2. Eliza
3. Patrick
I think the vote will be between Shelli and Eliza. Patricks inability to make a huge move (until absolutely forced to at final 4) is probably hurting his chances. I think had he used the veto during the double and got rid of Rose then, he’d have a case.
Eliza played a great game. Honestly I feel like I’d vote her to win but that’ll be based on knowing how she played season 1 and how she played this season. Two completely different games. Because I know she can beast comps and had the self control to prioritize her social game instead of relying on comp wins, she’s my winner. BUT since she can’t let it be known who she is, I don’t know if the jury will vote her over Shelli.
Shelli has pissed a few of them off. But it’s no doubt that she played amazingly! Literally a great game. They have to respect that. She played a key role in many of them being in Jury rn too. But let’s see if she can melt their hearts for votes.