Subject: Re: Diary Room Entries Sun Jul 19, 2020 5:02 am
Holy shit I had my DR entry written but I got drunk and forgot to post it before midnight... please count this it's still early for me skkajskja
Ok so Daphne won HOH this round and I didn't exactly feel safe at first. Then she told me she wanted to put up Tyler and of course I had to agree to it, anything to keep myself off the block. BUT THEN and Immunity Idol is used on Tyler so he can't be nominated... but it wasn't even his idol it was CARTER'S lmaoo it's wild! So Daphne puts up Sandra and Blair, and again I was just glad it wasn't me. Again, I played in the veto and threw it since the HOH wanted me to keep it the same, and both of the nominees would have expected me to use it on them lmao. Gotta show effort and gotta get though BBQ bucks. SO, Sandra won the veto and of course took herself off the block and then I was really scared about a backdoor on me. But Daphne tells me she wants to put up AOC as a pawn to get Blair out, and I'm down. Blair has survived like 5 evictions and that's a dangerous person to sit next to, on the block or at the end. I don't want to vote out AOC and I don't want to irritate Daphne either since she's proven to be great at competitions. But I also felt bad this time voting out Blair, I almost wanted to throw a vote her way or tell her the truth. But I decided against it. Blair went home by a vote of 6-3, so that's open to interpretation. On her way out she said the 2 people likely to win are clear, but I don't actually know who she means. Tyler and Carter?
Anyway. Say what you want about me, but you can’t say I’m bad at this game. I know there’s still a ways to go and I may not win, but I’m proud of myself. I have been a threat for most the game and now I’m in the final 10 out of 34 people without ever being nominated. I’ve been terrified since my last HOH win 7 rounds ago, but I’ve somehow managed to stay off the block (*knocks on wood*) even though now I'm getting called out after every damn eviction. Since we’ve moved to single HOHs I’ve never been on the wrong side of the vote and I’ve known what was going to happen every time. I have a good feeling that tomorrow is going to be the battleback and I absolutely CANNOT have any evicted players returning. So I'll stay awake as many days as it takes.
Side note: every time people say "dw" meaning don't worry I think they’re referencing me lmaooo.
Ah, the dreaded battleback posting challenge. Taking a break from mindlessly posting to write this stresses me out, but I need the break. This challenge really makes you feel guilty for peeing or eating, god forbid sleeping. What's different this time is that the challenge is only 24 hours, which actually makes it scarier because there's less room for error. Also, this doubles as an HOH competition this time and only one evicted person can come back in, thank f*ck for that. If someone is able to win their way back in they will have immunity, but thankfully not HOH because only current players can win that. Finally, for every 1000 posts we will get 10 BBQ bucks. So, I already know I'm not in the lead. I'm not even in the top 3 lmao, even though I've already posted more in 12 hours than I have in the multiple day battlebacks of season 1 and 2. I have had a tendency in the past to get drunk and/or high and knock out lmao. Right now, I'm competing for the money and in case anyone drops out and goes to sleep. Someone bought the DPOV last night so that SUCKS but the final luxury shop restock is tomorrow and maybe, just maybe, I can finally buy something good. The timing of this wasn't great because I had a meeting early this morning and only got a few hours of sleep, as opposed to my required 12. But as of right now I feel fine and intend to keep going until time runs out. Here's to none of these evicted fuckers that I've pissed off making it back into the game!
Tonight was literally perfect. So I went into tonight not even realizing it was double eviction lmao. Tyler was HOH and I was so relaxed thinking we would just play veto and call it a night. He put Keesha and Billie on the block, which was fine by me. I knew Keesha would go but I honestly felt bad voting against her. Tonight was the first time I voted against the majority. I voted to keep Keesha because I genuinely felt bad, and I was confident Billie would stay anyway. Now that we’re in the jury phase I have to worry about jury management, and I feel like everyone in the jury (Megan, Susie, Celine) are confirmed to not vote for me. I've betrayed most of them by lying about my vote. So, Keesha went by a vote of 5-2, and I was one of the 2 votes to keep her. I just hope she believes I voted to keep her, because I actually did.
Also, going into tonight I knew the only other people besides myself to never be nominated were Keesha and Daphne, so my goal was to get them up on the block and out of here. Tyler nominated Keesha, knocking one of them out. Then she went home. Going into the second HOH of the night I wanted to win so bad and backdoor Daphne. I hadn't been HOH in a long time and I knew it was the time to win and make a big move. I was so relieved when the only people eligible to win were me, Carter, and AOC. Then I fucking won! I put up Carly and Haleigh and explained to both of them that they were not my target and I had a grand plan, and they were surprisingly understanding. I needed literally anyone besides Daphne to win the veto. Carly won which was absolutely perfect. Then, I backdoored Daphne which I really did feel bad about. But I know I had to do it. I really do like her, but she was doing an amazing job of playing all sides and I knew she could beat me in the end. Also, she was always the only one not called out as part of the girls alliance. So, Daphne went home by a vote of 6-0! I am so thankful to everyone for being honest about their vote and doing what I wanted. Tonight went so perfectly.
I am now in the final 8 and the only person left in the game who has never been nominated, a title I’m very proud of. This game has been insane and I've been scared for a long time, and yet I'm still here. All I want is to get to the end and plead my case because I want to win so bad, and I think I deserve it. But I'm taking it one day at a time. I'm grateful for every day I'm alive in this game. No matter what I'm proud... but I still want to fucking win so bad. Wish me fucking luck.
So I literally don't even remember writing that DR last night I was so drunk lmao, I'm delighted to see it's coherent!
Anyway, I'm writing this early to get some coins because I'm only 7 bucks away from being able to purchase the Coup d'Etat power. If I play in the veto tonight I will have enough. I just don't know if anyone else is close to being able to purchase it too, which makes me nervous. This is the kind of power where it's just as important, if not more, to make sure no one else has it as having it myself. Someone already has the DPOV which can be used against me, so I need to make sure this one is mine.
However, Tyler just came to me and told me he has the quarantine power and would be down to use it on me tonight. I'm conflicted because I would love to just be safe and have a break from the game tonight, especially since I can't compete in HOH and I just made a big move. But I would feel so guilty if he got evicted after giving his power to me. Also, if he uses it on me I won't be here to play in the veto and get my $400. However, all these bitches love Tyler and I think he's safer than me. This ensures me a spot in the final 7, how can I turn that down? If someone is able to buy the Coup when I'm gone I'm going to be really mad at myself though... but f*ck it I guess. Better safe than sorry.
I'm back! That break was nice. I was sad to come back and see Sandra gone, but I'm happy Tyler is safe because he gave me his power and I never would've let the guilt go. I'm also glad I didn't have to have anything to do with Sandra's eviction because she needed to go sometime, but I really do like her and I didn't want to do it myself or vote against her.
So Carly won the HOH and she put up Sandra and Carter, big move. Then Tyler won the veto and took Carter off the block, not surprising since she used her idol on him. I just know that if I was available Carly's ass would've put me up, so thank you quarantine power. The good thing is she can't play HOH tonight but me, Tyler, and Carter can and I believe all of us would be targeting her. She needs to go. Tonight. Hopefully we can pull it off and she doesn't win veto again. If she gets to the end she has a good story with all the vetos she's won to save herself and now with this big move getting out Sandra. Also I know she's coming for me and going against me is gonna cost ya.
I am so relieved to see the Coup d'Etat is still available. With this DR, I will have enough money to buy it and I'm so excited. The power is mine! *maniacal laughter* This power is huge and I think I can use it to keep myself safe or make a big move and get a big player out of here. Possibly Carter. She's a great player and since I'm pretty certain she's Dom, I can't let her win this game again. But let me not get too far ahead of myself. One day at a time.