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 Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation

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Sandra Kaluiokalani

Sandra Kaluiokalani

Join date : 2020-06-28

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PostSubject: Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation   Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation EmptyTue Jul 07, 2020 8:01 am

Xoxo I’m going to start posting Sandra fan mail here <3

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Sandra Kaluiokalani

Sandra Kaluiokalani

Join date : 2020-06-28

Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation   Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation EmptyTue Jul 07, 2020 8:02 am

Chloe Bailey wrote:
Hello Everyone/Houseguest,
Obviously, there is a big alliance in the house that was created early on in the game!! If I stay, I’m going after Sandra and Tyler. I am tired of people playing it safe. It’s clear Sandra and Tyler are running the game and are connected with so many people hence why Sandra got so many BBQ bucks. If you are aligned with Sandra or Tyler, wake tf up and stop acting like followers because they are going to win this game if you don’t get them out. If I stay, I am going after people who I think are a threat. I am not scared, and I don’t hide behind the excuse of nominating someone who isn’t active or someone who hasn’t talked to me. These challenges are very telling when I see people picking the same person over and over again during the chain reaction hoh. Keke I thought you were cool girl, but you truly are a snake. I have caught on to you for a while now, not just because Tinashe is just now exposing it. There is also a trio between Keke, Layla, and Carter. Just so everyone knows! Anyways I’m done. Vote for me to stay or vote for me to go. It’s up to you.
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Sandra Kaluiokalani

Sandra Kaluiokalani

Join date : 2020-06-28

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PostSubject: Re: Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation   Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation EmptyTue Jul 07, 2020 8:02 am

Chloe Bailey wrote:
Carter and Tyler both won hoh and have come together to try to get me out because I exposed both of them! Voting for me to leave is basically handing Tyler and Sandra the game and easy road to the finals. I have already stated my targets and who I will be going after. If you keep me here, I will ALWAYS be a target before you. More than likely I will be nominated again which means you will be LESS likely to be nominated. And if you are aligned with Tyler, Sandra, or Carter.. Why not keep me so I can do your dirty work? Don’t be a follower and don’t be scared! Vote according to your OWN personal game. Have a nice night <3
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Sandra Kaluiokalani

Sandra Kaluiokalani

Join date : 2020-06-28

Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation   Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation EmptyTue Jul 07, 2020 8:04 am

Michael Cimino wrote:
Strap in yall this a long one

From the Dead Man Walking
Welcome to Michaels funeral

First and most importantly I am not compaigning because I feel like it is my fault that these nominees are in this position. And I know the bigger voices are always evicted so here we go my thoughts. Will yall listen, probably not? Will be the last to say these things? I won't

To address the whole making the alliance thing: I dont exactly know why yall are so pressed when yall each have like 20000 alliances- and obviously it fell apart when it got exposed (which i will get to who in a second) So I'm not exactly sure why this a whole thing but theres a power alliance with like carter/tyler/megan/layla/keke/daphne in it. I MEAN SERIOUSLY IT TAKES TWO SECONDS TO LOOK AT THAT HOH TO TELL THAT. They didn't even try to hide it. I wasn't the first person to call them out nor will I be the last

Now to explain another rumor that I started this alliance: yes I made the alliance BUT i was NOT the first person to bring it up. It was Marianne who started the whole "lets make a minority alliance" thing. And I jumped onto it. Now heres the thing about Marianne- Im pretty sure shes playing both sides because whenever I tell her something or someone gives info to her she spills to the other side. Like shes told me a lot of tea about the alliance I mentioned earlier and shes told a lot info we've given her. SHADY I love you girl but SHADY

Now lemme address someone I have a problem with: Daphne
I dont know who youre trying to fool but you are OBVIOUSLY a rat and tell them that our alliance that is so targeted and telling that power alliance everything we say because anytime i mention anything in their for some strange reasons im getting text about it. Now I tried to address you this morning about you wanting to vote me out EVEN THO WE HAD AN ALLIANCE! And we cleared it up but then you continue to tell them lies about us to keep yourself safe and target all of your allies when you need to be sticking up for us. Anyone that trusts you rn- a fool. I tried to look past it cuz i like you and we were alligned but I see straight up what youre doing.

Now time for AOC: Girl what was the purpose of exposing the alliance I made... like seriously did i do something that pissed u off that made you wanna do it. IDK if its just me but If I get into an alliance (unless someone did wrong by me) I would not IMMEDIATELY go running to the people in power. Oh and heres another thing AOC is also with me and daphne... so thats interesting two people that I thought I could trust and were working with me were actually spilling everything to their alliance.

Time for the people that are playing for second and sitting on their asses acting like yall arent about to be put up SHORTLY SHORTLY after I'm evicting. WHAT ARE YALL DOING WAKE UP!!! like clearly theres a group of people taking out the same people over and over and if yall dont know whats going on then YOURE NOT APART OF IT!! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT because youre playing for 18th place at best.

To Audrey: I heard you trying to target me and penny this round and i just wanna let you know before you just tell people to vote me off youre not the HOH I'm mad at. I'm a little depressed by your nominees but anything directed in the nomination ceremony was not about you.

I know asking yall to keep me is completely ridicilous after I called a lot of you out in this and my actions thus far but I have put so much time in this game-  Ive literally cried twice today because I didnt know how I was gonna get past this alliance thing. But seriously Its time to switch up the game and realize that a lot of yall are handing oomfs a clear easy path to final 7.

With all that being said: Haleigh, Penny, Percy I love you all so much. You dont deserve to be in this positition and I feel really bad that I feel responsible

i hope you guys have a good rest of the game Smile I hope to become friends with a lot of you. Just lets start playing the game sooner.

Haleigh Penny Percy Celine Carly Sandra (and megan and keke even tho i needed to call them out) Im rooting for yall

Peace Out
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Sandra Kaluiokalani

Sandra Kaluiokalani

Join date : 2020-06-28

Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation   Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation EmptyTue Jul 07, 2020 8:05 am

Penny Proud wrote:

How is it that Audrey gets to pick who goes when the eviction wasnt even set up so that people could vote me vs percy...  It was set up so that ppl could vote anyone....

I was really just evicted is this a Joke.. This game was not even fun because ppl came in with pre established alliances from knowing each other from past games and twitter. How do you have a solid alliance from day 1 without cheating the game..

Its so frustrating because I actually came to play and knew noone in this game.

Audrey youre an idiot worst move in BB history like when you are voted out I cant wait to laugh in yout face.

I am going to say right now that Sandra and tyler are running this game without a doubt. Youre a fool if you cant see that.

Keke, Carter and  layla and someone I am not sure are 100% a thing.

Shake this game up its super boring yal are playing "paul's game" and that season was super stupid.
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Sandra Kaluiokalani

Sandra Kaluiokalani

Join date : 2020-06-28

Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation   Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation EmptyTue Jul 07, 2020 8:06 am

Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation Tenor
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Saoirse Ronan

Saoirse Ronan

Join date : 2020-04-11
Age : 29

Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation   Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation EmptyTue Jul 07, 2020 2:41 pm

I want to lick you lol

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Sandra Kaluiokalani

Sandra Kaluiokalani

Join date : 2020-06-28

Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation   Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation EmptyFri Jul 10, 2020 6:26 am

Percy Jackson wrote:
Dang! 8-6 I thought I pulled it off... Good luck to everyone! Like I said,

Layla, Carter, Audrey, Billie, AOC, and possibly a few more girls are together. Thank you to those who did not lie to me. It was fun to try and flip the vote this week, but I fear a few of you will be picked off at the hands of a dominant girls alliance just like I was. Tyler, I never was against you. The Fight Club all male alliance flopped but I never betrayed it. Also, no one ever asked me if I even wanted to be in it so idk why you decided to make me the scapegoat reason it fell apart when I never did anything against it.

AOC, I feel especially betrayed by you. You spoke with me the most of everyone and I truly had your back to the end. I didn't want to believe you were in the girls alliance, but at this point I am forced to believe that you are. Good luck tho.

Sandra, stop playing all sides and being a rat. It will come back to bite you.

Hmmm.... Not sure who else to address. Again, if you kept me this week I appreciate it a lot. Sorry for not being active for some time, but you can't say I didn't put up a good fight!

Good luck to all and no hard feelings, If I called you out its because I find this game to be a bit boring and I would like to spice some things up. If I have a bad read on any of this..... I don't <3 and you will all see! Hugs.
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Sandra Kaluiokalani

Sandra Kaluiokalani

Join date : 2020-06-28

Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation   Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation EmptySat Jul 11, 2020 1:04 am

Nottie Salton wrote:
OK everyone.

Here's how I see it. The same people are winning all the comps. Then those same people are telling you who to vote out and a majority of people usually go along with it out of fear they will be next if they dont.

I know that's how the game has gone because I was on of those people.

On night one I created a room that had Sandra and Megan in it with one more person who can choose to name themselves or not.

The idea was that we would work together long term and protect one another. Now Megan is gone, with Sandra's help and now because suddenly between yesterday and today she decided I was no longer trustworthy for no reason at all, I am the next one to go.

Literally said to me that it was fair to call her a backstabber. Are you interested in having the knife plunge into you next?  It might seem like you are good, but trust when I told you that I felt that way when I woke this morning.

People are lying like crazy in here, and I'm not that guy. When we get to the cast party, you will look back and say "Oh shit, this guy absolutely would have been as good as his word, I regret not giving him the chance."

I won't comment on Blair's game but for one point. She didn't even bother campaigning to me last night. This obviously meant that she didn't feel like she needed my vote in a vote that finished 8-6. It wouldn't have taken many of you to switch in order to flip the game on it's ear a little.

As to the now overwhelming male/female dynamic, just a quick reminder that we are all hiding behind avatars and I'll eat my hat if there isn't a dude playing as a lady.

As a CIS Gender white male, I thought it would be disingenuous to dress as anything else in this Halloween style game.

It's been and honour and a pleasure, but if you don't keep me tonight to weaponize me against the likes of the current HOH and the player with her hand up her ass making her mouth move, it will likely  be to most of your detriment.

Anyway, thanks for waiting to vote if you did. There are way more people saying "If you get the numbers, I'll totally vote with you" than decided Blair voters in my DM's so we could together make this happen.

Nottie 2020 because Blair Waldorf is in the

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Sandra Kaluiokalani

Sandra Kaluiokalani

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PostSubject: Re: Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation   Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation EmptySat Jul 11, 2020 1:05 am

Nottie Salton wrote:
BTW, if you think that Sandra/Daphne have your best interest at heart, and they'd never do this to you, vote to keep me as a daily reminder that they have, they will and they
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Sandra Kaluiokalani

Sandra Kaluiokalani

Join date : 2020-06-28

Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation   Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation EmptyTue Jul 14, 2020 11:09 am

Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation F42d3f10
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Saoirse Ronan

Saoirse Ronan

Join date : 2020-04-11
Age : 29

Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation   Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation EmptyTue Jul 14, 2020 11:54 am

Plz shes not even right
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Sandra Kaluiokalani

Sandra Kaluiokalani

Join date : 2020-06-28

Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation   Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation EmptyWed Jul 15, 2020 8:00 am

lol the way I really did not get involved in this eviction at all yet I still get blamed lmfao

Layla Keating wrote:
No you’re not Sandra. Cut the bullshit. Anyway I really breathed and got done so dirty for no reason in this game all season. Some of you lost your morals for $3k and it really shows. I hope you get it. I’m leaving on anonymous HOH with a double vote against me. This is the ghetto. If some of you hated me this much, you should’ve just said! Thank you to the 3 who kept me, I know who you are and I want y’all to be careful moving forward. I’d love to trash someone’s game and name drop alliances on my way out but that’s no point to that. Susie! You deserved to stay more than me. Good luck sis <3
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Sandra Kaluiokalani

Sandra Kaluiokalani

Join date : 2020-06-28

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PostSubject: Re: Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation   Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation EmptyWed Jul 15, 2020 8:27 am

Layla Keating wrote:
Before I leave, I just want to say to you that I know you’re behind this move. This was such a cowardice move honestly. After this game, I want absolutely nothing to do with you. Good luck
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Sandra Kaluiokalani

Sandra Kaluiokalani

Join date : 2020-06-28

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PostSubject: Re: Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation   Everybody Loves Sandra Appreciation EmptyFri Jul 17, 2020 5:16 am

Celine Dion wrote:
First I’d like to start off by thanking Arisa and Saroise for having me. Now where I expose everything I know.

Let’s start with alliances.

The Queen Bees - myself, Sandra and Keesha. This alliance was formed day one and stayed active through my eviction. Sandra and maybe both of them backstabbed me so be weary of them.

The Better Room - myself, Tyler, Carly, Haleigh, and Audrey. Was formed the third day by Tyler because we all posted in one of the main chats that we didn’t have any rooms yet and this stayed active through my eviction. Audrey backstabbed me for really no reason so I assume she has other alliances going on but the rest were loyal from what I can tell.

There was a 7 person alliance with Layla/Keke/Carter/Megan/Marianne/myself for most of the double HOH portion of the game. Then Sandra and Megan made a second group called “On the Outs” where they convinced myself and Marianne that others in the group were against us and we needed to make a move. This hilariously backfired in Megan’s face when Marianne couldn’t control Aang’s noms and she went home.

The Avengers - Megan, Sandra, Carter, Tyler, Susie, Audrey, Layla, Keke. I assume this was the room Susie was referring to last night or at least that is what Audrey told me.

To AOC/Billie/Daphne/Keesha: You people are the worst kinds of big brother players. You’ve spent the entire game floating sheeping the power players and refusing to ever make a move with your vote or anything. Its honestly embarassing that your strategy is to hope one of the power players picks you to lose unanimously against them at the final two. Wake up. Also if AOC messages you every day with some unoriginal mundane nonsense just ignore her she sends that to everyone.

My guess is there is some sort of group with Audrey-Billie-AOC-Carter and maybe some others. I don't have definite proof of this but just looking at who Audrey chose to backstab me and Susie for it makes sense.

To Audrey: Your snake ways are catching up to you. You were in an alliance with me, you voted me out. You were in an alliance with Susie, you voted her out. Who are you really loyal to and what other groups do you have?  I’m sure many people are wondering that tonight. Go to hell.

To Tyler: If you were not actually loyal to me I will be pissed. I will not drag you because I still am not sure but I wish you luck. Tyler also has a double vote he said he would use on me then didn’t.

To my fellow evictees: If you ever see this, I tried. I kept almost all of you and voted in the minority in almost all go the single HOH votes except for the Susie eviction which I even regret that vote because Billie is trash. I see what’s going on and I did not bow down to the power players like many of these people are choosing to do even when I knew the numbers weren’t there.

Side note: If you are on the block and Sandra said she is keeping you take it with a grain of salt. Every evicted person has been told by Sandra she was keeping them. Also Sandra told Michael to use his nullifier on Daphne and he listened. I heard this from Michael before he left.

Also I had the votes until Tyler or Daphne backstabbed me. Tyler says it was Daphne let me quote him: “Celine, I don't want to mess with you. Daphne started off telling me she wanted to keep you. We both put Blair up so it makes sense to want her out over you. Then the whole Carter knows she is considering it happened (this is what Daphne told me) and she ended up telling me she's voting you out. “ and Daphne told me earlier “I’m pushing for you, I’m a little scared It may get me in trouble but I’m trying to be subtle about it.” I don’t know what is true so I’ll just put it all out there. They were both giving me their answers during the POV. Tyler guessed 200 then 300 and Daphne told me “girl i guessed 247 first and 143 second if that helps u”. Daphne also went around spreading paranoia about the majority supposed all women’s alliance that apparently neither of us were apart of according to her.

I wish there had been some tasks lately. I had 308 BBQ bucks as I get evicted and am only 12 away from the DPOV. I really could have made an iconic move and used it to throw Sandra or Carter’s ass on the block but alas. Hopefully someone who voted me out besides Sandra or Carter gets screwed with it so they can live in regret for their choice.

Lastly congrats to Carter/Audrey/Tyler/Sandra on your inevitable 3k. You have too many loyal sheep for anyone with half a brain to switch the game up without being next boot. To Billie/AOC/Daphne and any other weak players I missed who are just waiting to be slaughtered or praying there masters take them to final two and they lose unanimously: fuckk you for turning this into BB19.

Celine out.
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