Marianne = I have no clue and I don’t even care
Sandra = Pedro from S2 aka John
AOC = Liza from S3 aka tiara from S1
Daphne = Shelli Poole from S3
Celine Dion = someone from S3 but don’t know who
Susie carmichael = someone from BB twitter. If I had to guess, maybe Aman? Idk
Carly = don’t know
Billie = don’t know
Haleigh = Either a new player or Ariana from S3
Carter = methinks this is cent from S1
Audrey = I have no clue but I know she’s not a new player
Tyler = either Greg or Aaron from S2
Percy = he might be that guy running bmxtv sksksks
Aang = riku
Blair = I think a new player