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PostSubject: pov submission    pov submission  EmptyFri Jan 01, 2021 4:55 pm

How the PowerPuff stole Papa Bear

‘Twas the night before the New Year and all through the world, not a creature was stirring but Papa Bear had just hurled. Nicki Minaj and her man had recently welcomed this little one--Papa Bear--into the world a few months ago amidst the global pandemic and were spending most of their waking hours caring for him.

Life is a movie, but there'll never be a sequel
And I'm good with that as long as I'm peaceful
As long as seven years from now I'm taking my daughter to preschool
All Things Go (The Pinkprint, 2014)

And six (almost seven) years from now, Nicki might not be taking a daughter to preschool, but she does have a son, husband, and still, her career.
After a final burping and cleaning up of Papa Bear, she is almost ready to fly off to NYC with Kenneth in tow for a New Year’s Eve performance for the world. Nicki is ready for her return and what better return than performing her favorites for all of the world on Arisa Cox’s NYE’s programming? Most people are thrilled to see Nicki perform again, especially the Barbz, of course. Not so thrilled is Doja Cat, who was set to be Nicki’s replacement on stage had Nicki bowed out.
So as Nicki was preparing to leave and welcoming Baby Yoda into her house as the night’s babysitter, Doja Cat was stirring in her own house, hatching a plan to steal the show from Onika. She had flown back from Australia, where she had spent a few months of vacation, just for this opportunity and she was not missing it.
Bzz bzz. While eating a kiwi, Doja looked down at her phone to see a message from Baby Yoda that read: “I’m here. She is leaving. HHAHAHAH.” Ok he’s a little weird, but he’ll do, Doja thought as she replied to him that she had just arrived in NYC. On call for her moment, not Nicki’s.
Baby Yoda had just settled down with Papa Bear when he heard the door open. He was alarmed. This was not supposed to be happening. He was supposed to wait an hour or so until when Nicki had landed and then, call her back home by making up some story about how Papa Bear was sick and needed her, per Doja’s instructions. The whole world knew how much Papa Bear meant to Nicki and any sort of illness would bring her running back home.
“Nicki!!!!! Nicki!!!” a distraught voice started calling out from the opened door. It sounds like Nick Jonas, Baby Yoda thought. And as the unwelcome guest rounded the corner, Baby Yoda saw it was Nick Jonas. He was rambling on and crying about how Priyanka had dumped him because she realized she was too hot for him.
Nick stopped when he saw Baby Yoda cradling Papa Bear. “I’m babysitting. Nicki is performing tonight at Arisa’s NYE special,” Yoda explained to Nick, who looked like he really just needed a hug. Instead, Baby Yoda began preparing a drink for him after he put Papa Bear down for the night. Between tears, Nick talked about how he would never find love and Baby Yoda, who was always a big fan of the Jonas brothers found himself to be a willing and listening ear to this eye candy that had just appeared.
Bzz bzz. Baby Yoda’s phone had been going off for a while now, but he hadn’t noticed until Nick pointed it out. Oh shit, Baby Yoda thought as he saw five missed calls from Doja Cat. He excused himself from the room as he replied to Doja and then started making calls to Nicki.
“Yeah, no Papa Bear is really sick. Does he have a colic? I think he has COVID-19. I don’t know if he’s breathing,” Baby Yoda started blabbing to Nicki all the excuses in the book as the clock inched closer to midnight.
From the kitchen, Nick overheard Baby Yoda and barged into the living room stunned at Baby Yoda’s blatant lies. Nick grabbed the phone from Baby Yoda and told Nicki that he was there and Papa Bear was fine. Click. The phone call was over and Baby Yoda stood face to face with Nick while in NYC, Doja was warming up her voice, believing her to be going on stage soon.
“What was that all about?” Nick demanded. The two began arguing and while they grew louder and louder as Baby Yoda explained what was going on, someone slipped into Papa Bear’s room upstairs. It was none other than Blossom, the leader of the Powerpuff Girls! As she scooped Papa Bear up into her arms, she flew right back out the same window after dropping a note off in his crib. She made lots of noise as she left so as to alert Baby Yoda of the missing baby. This was just one part in her plan.
Baby Yoda and Nick both stopped yelling as the heard banging and ran upstairs where they found the missing baby and a note that read:
“Harvesting Papa Bear’s powers for Professor Utonium. Will accept $4M to stop. You have til the ball drops. Call me. - Blossom”
Oh shit, Baby Yoda thought for the second time that night. Him and Nick looked frantic and called Doja to give her the updates. “$4M? That’s my entire net worth!” Doja Cat screamed over the phone at Baby Yoda.
But what else could be done? In their plan to sabotage Nicki, Baby Yoda had forgot to do his first job: babysitting Papa Bear and now, he was gone. On his watch, Nicki Minaj’s first-born son was stolen. Imagine how this would look to The Force. Baby Yoda was freaking out and explaining to Doja that he had no money of his own. She begged him to call Nicki and let her know, so that she would cancel her performance and Doja could still perform. Heartless, Baby Yoda thought, but it was clear that Doja was not budging.
Defeated, Baby Yoda called Nicki who started yelling at him, but then quickly broke down. She asked for Blossom’s number and said she’d take care of it. After she hung up, she alerted Arisa that she could not perform and set out to contact Blossom. Within minutes, their phone call was over. But still, Nicki was crying.
Doja, as she was getting ready to go on stage, couldn’t tell what had transpired on the phone. Was Blossom bringing Papa Bear back? Surely, Nicki has $4M to spare, so why was she still crying? Doja went up to Nicki, in a quick attempt to console her, and Nicki started opening up about how she was missing her chance to perform again for the world, but grateful to Doja for being ready to perform. She showered Doja in great accolades, all while crying that now she could not perform for NYE. Nicki had wanted to prove to the world that she could do it both: be a mother and maintain her career.
During this, Doja’s heart did begin to feel for Nicki and in a moment most shocking to Doja, she told Nicki that she should perform. Despite knowing how much it would mean for Doja to do this show, it appeared that Nicki needed it more. Like the Grinch, Doja Cat’s heart seemed to grow three times in size right then and there.
Nicki accepted the offer, wiped her tears, and went on stage as the last performance before midnight. It was incredible. Even though she was now a mother, it was clear she still had it. Doja was happy for her, but sad for herself. As she moped hidden backstage, she saw Blossom arrive with Papa Bear.
Blossom met Nicki with a huge hug and Nicki thanked her for doing this for her. There seemed to be no ill will between the two. Doja was confused. “Yeah, Nick let me know what Baby Yoda and Doja were plotting. Thank you so much for creating this distraction. Mhm Doja fell for it. She offered me her performance spot. I was amazing!” she overheard Nicki telling Blossom.
HUH!?!?, Doja thought to herself as she began piecing together what had happened. Baby Yoda must’ve told Nick who told Nicki the plan and in an attempt to then sabotage Doja, Nicki had Blossom steal Papa Bear to guilt Doja. When that didn’t work, Nicki brought out the waterworks to make Doja feel bad. Somehow Doja fell for it. She was disappointed in herself. Nicki was a bitch and a boss, huh, she thought.
She left as Nicki and Blossom continued to kiki and laugh about how Baby Yoda and Doja fell for the whole harvesting powers bit. Doja returned back to Baby Yoda who was waiting up for her. Nick had left after Baby Yoda found out about his scheming and sabotaging.
Baby Yoda took Doja Cat into his arms and comforted her. He truly felt for her. She did deserve better, so he hatched an idea: Doja could perform for The Force. Amidst presenting the idea to her, she stopped him and started laughing. “Do you really think I want to do that?” she managed to get out between laughs. Her heart shrank three times in its size. Back to normal.
Baby Yoda was hurt. Confused. Shocked. He stormed out of the house and flew off of this planet, fed up with all the humans, especially the Americans. And that’s when Doja realized she was truly alone. With nowhere to go, she ran off to Whoville and after that, no one heard from her again. It was rumored that she ended up getting a dog, named Max, and grew to “stink, stank, stunk.” She was a mean one and she was a grinch. Isolated from the rest of the world for years to come. Would her heart ever manage to grow three times in size again? Well, only time would tell.
And as for Nicki, she rah rah’ed like a dungeon dragon all over the world for years to come and one day, she would find herself taking her daughter to preschool. After all, all things go.

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