First off such a good time, thanks hosts. Y’all are so fun to play with.
Was chatting with Hange and this is something I just want to pluck out of our endless thread before I go to bed since it’s the closest thing we will get to my internal thoughts after tonight.
. I am going to write this message and then set my phone down for slumber. My gut feelings leaving tonight:
Jackie has idol.
Dua has quarantine.
Hottie got the 1/4 doublers
April got 1/3 nullifications
Rob has quarantine.
I have necklace and 1/3 nullifications.
Veronica has 1/3 nullification
You have 3x double vote and 3/4 doublers.
maybe hottie got a nullification first but I’m pretty set on my tiers of wealth
Hottie Veronica April
Have been spending too much, won about $150 tonight, got the low stuff.
Rob has had money ($250 at least) and got more for it. He’s in $400 territory.
Jackie had a lot of money too and won a lot. Idol is easy to pin on that.
Dua had money cause maybe she never sent some, or someone sent her some (Kelly) on the way out, but I’m pretty confident she’s the only one capable of hitting Rob levels after the wins tonight.
I’m not telling Jackie about necklace until she tells me about idol. If I tell her. Necklace stays between you and me unless it become obvious; I’d rather people know I have that then somehow figure out I have the secret HOH.