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Big Brother Quarantine Season 9
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 DR Ranting

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Big T

Big T

Join date : 2020-05-10

DR Ranting Empty
PostSubject: DR Ranting   DR Ranting EmptyMon May 11, 2020 4:04 pm

First Impressions

Aaron Ramsey: - Came in real hot in campaigning for first HoH. After he realized it was a lost cause he backed the I want to lick you off lmao. Poor thang

Amy Schumer: - The character choice was slightly off putting but chile seems rlly occupied by all the damn men in here

Big T: - She's an Icon, She's a Legend, and she IS the Moment

Bob The Builder: - Gave me major Bob Barker vibes. AKA the pure soul that doesn't get into too much bs

Buffy Summers: - One of the people that gave me rlly cool vibes. We kinda boned over Madison's crackheadery so there's something

Cameron Van Buren: - Iconic character choice. Also get great vibes here I think she's gonna be a good ally

Cath: who? Like Fr I don't remember ever seeing her

Daenerys Targaryen: - Tedious ass name to type. Haven't talked to them one on one yet but they seem nice

DW: - Much easier name to type. My first in last out queen but tbh I feel like I've built other stronger relationships at this point

Gordon Ramsay: - Atleast we will be eating well but he hasn't been on the forum too much yet for me to have a solid opinion

Harley Quinn: She's really cool, I think she can be a good ally for me

Jim Halpert: Seems super nice but everyone seems to like him as well which may make him a little dangerous down the road

Kway: Really like her we just started talking a bit and we vibe well

Kylie Jenner: - idk I think I saw her on the forum like once? lmao

Madison Rose: - a LITERAL Crackhead. Not even 5 minutes into being on the forum she tells me she pulled me into a final 3 and a final 4. and then when I make the final 3 chat for us Madison doesn't speak in it? Like Chile you ASKED ME to make that chat. She a mess

Natalie Negrotti: - Iconic character choice although I haven't seen them online yet. Regardless I'm like 85% sure this is @MatthaisDude

Pedro Aboud: - Seems like a lost puppy. He might be playing that role up but I seem just be giving him a lot of advice rn

Russell Brand: - The closest thing we have to Joe Exotic on this season

Spongebob Squarepants: Seems nice although haven't gotten around to talking to them 1 on 1 yet

Syd: My and Syd are a WHOLE VIBE I love her

Ultimate Booty God: - Interesting Name selection. Das all I gotta say

Villanelle: After I met her I kept forgetting how to say "Vanilla" for some reason. I don't appreciate that
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Big T

Big T

Join date : 2020-05-10

DR Ranting Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR Ranting   DR Ranting EmptyMon May 11, 2020 4:13 pm

Also wtf I already have more private rooms than I did the entirety of my last season and we aren;t even 24 hours in lmao
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Big T

Big T

Join date : 2020-05-10

DR Ranting Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR Ranting   DR Ranting EmptyMon May 11, 2020 8:43 pm

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Big T

Big T

Join date : 2020-05-10

DR Ranting Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR Ranting   DR Ranting EmptyTue May 12, 2020 12:57 am

Just wanted to express this here real quick. Apparently Russell is like some kind of scholar, with his vocab I can't understand half the things he is saying lmao
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Big T

Big T

Join date : 2020-05-10

DR Ranting Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR Ranting   DR Ranting EmptyThu May 14, 2020 12:09 am

I'm LIVID I am literally LIVID

Got damn lemme rant real quick cuz

I CANNOT STAND RUSSELL AND THIS ALLIANCE DEAR GOD. FIRST of all Who's fucking idea was it to make a 10 person alliance? Literally it is SO rare that an alliance of 5 or more makes the final 5 without imploding on itself. SO WHAT MADE YOU THINK A 10 ALLIANCE WOULD WORK? Clownery. Clownery is what made you think that. But that's besides the point. You can tell Russell is suchh a know it all. You can just tell by the way he talks that he thinks he's hot shit when he's not. He is that except remove the 'hot'.

So he comes to me fucking minutes before voting is closed and asks me if I voted. I should have just said yes and RAN. It was originally intended that out alliance let DW win but I am fully convinced he just did some shit to try and get the HoH for himself. He is going on about how we need to Bust Dany when she barley gets any tokens. Also don't think I didn't notice your little tactics. "Build your resume time" headass ITS WEEK 3. LEMME BREATHE. "Save our alliance" Ok... So How do you expect to be shocked that a 10 person alliance... and alliance that is more than half the house... to not have a rat. ESPECIALLY when it was randomly just compiled together. Clownery but anyways. I also don't care to save an alliance that I barley care for.

AND LET ME TELL YOU ONE THING I CANNOT STAND. The phrase "Just trust me on this" God dammit I want to lick you that noise. Nope. You wanna come to me when there's 20 damn minutes left to vote after we have 4 fucking hours and tell me to just trust you and do what you say? IF you want me to trust you do you know what I need from you? NAMES AND CONTEXT I need Names! Where did you hear this from? Who's telling you this information? How do you know this? and Context! Explain to me why This is important? I care because? Explain what the I want to lick you is happening please? The minute someone tells me "Just trust me" is the minute I don't wanna trust your ass. Cause what reason do I have to trust you? NONE

oo But after the fact Russell ass carries himself into the Big 10 Chat with his "I am disappointed in that one of our alliance I reached out to dismissed my concerns. No Names. That isn't fair" headass. Followed up with "I worked with three other extremely loyal to the 10" Bitch- Now I don't believe for a second he kept it completely private that he was talking about me, meaning to whoever he might have told that too now look at me as unloyal to the 10 especially with that kind of a follow up. Not to mention his high horse attitude "When I saw a threat, I took Action and we are all safe" [sarcasm] omg thanks ur my hero we love you russell :hearteyes: [sarcasm] Pls I'm tired of this man.

Thank you for listening to my Ted talk
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Big T

Big T

Join date : 2020-05-10

DR Ranting Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR Ranting   DR Ranting EmptyThu May 14, 2020 12:16 am

God I'm more pressed tonight than I was the entirety of season 1 I need a nap
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Big T

Big T

Join date : 2020-05-10

DR Ranting Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR Ranting   DR Ranting EmptyFri May 15, 2020 1:49 pm

Alright. So I didn’t think yesterday could get messier than the day before but clown

Lemme start from the beginning. Pre-HoH

So before the HoH DW was hyping herself up a TON being like “y’all are gonna have to hold me back if I win cuz-“ I was Lowkey living. If I won I was for sure gonna just put up the Bobs just cause I’m not in the business of making that big of a mess early on but if DW wanna go off then go OFF Chile, although i was thinking it would be a fun scenario it wasn’t really ideal cause I knew I’d have to do major damage control.

The HoH happens and wouldn’t you know it DW went out and won 🤧. At this point I was just silently preparing for the mess that was about to ensue. I stg all the threads got so silent right before the ceremony I felt like they knew it was about to hit them.

I was expecting more fallout at the Noms tbh was slightly disappointed but oh well that’s besides the point. Obviously swerved and avoided that veto competition cause I don’t wanna make it so obvious I’m with DW Yet. But it was after Kway was put up the real mess Commenced.

So first the Kway v Buffy/Aaron situation. That shit is SO dumb. It all started over a literal MISUNDERSTANDING in the 10 chat. Buffy was giving her opinion on a situation and I think Kway took it as Buffy accusing him of doing stuff outside the alliance? When she clearly wasn’t. And then Aaron hopped in to defend and explain what Buffy was trying to to say. Then Kway went and complained about how they were being annoying and Buffy has Aaron wrapped around her finger? Make that shit make sense. So Kway is on their ass for no real reason unless I missed something major in this feud.

Onto the Russell/Amy Situation. So it looks like when Russell mentioned the r word he was making a general statement which relieves me to know that no one here said something like that. I feel bad about his past experiences but I really don’t think anyone was trying to hurt him because of his mental illness. Yeah the Weird comment from Buffy wasn’t great but it’s not the worst thing in the world considering the context although I do understand why Russell would have been triggered by that comment. And DW’s Nom speech I didn’t feel had any ill intent either but it must of have been a lot for Russell. Amy leaving kinda came out of left field to be honest but I can’t reallly know the full extent as to why she decided to leave so imma just leave it at that.

Back to game I still feel like I’m in a decent position right now. There are a lot of people that are bigger targets than I am and a fair amount of people o dOnT think would put me up right now so I think I can breathe easy for a hot minute
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Big T

Big T

Join date : 2020-05-10

DR Ranting Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR Ranting   DR Ranting EmptyFri May 15, 2020 5:26 pm

Great now Kway commin in here and pissing me off. I'll get you a rant on that momentarily
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Big T

Big T

Join date : 2020-05-10

DR Ranting Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR Ranting   DR Ranting EmptyFri May 15, 2020 9:23 pm

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Big T

Big T

Join date : 2020-05-10

DR Ranting Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR Ranting   DR Ranting EmptyMon May 18, 2020 11:28 am

Alright today I present to you: A Buffy Rant

So prior to about 1 or 2 rounds ago Buffy was probably the person I’d tell you I trusted most but she has very quickly dropped to being one of if not the least out of everyone left in here. At first I believed that the Buffy Aaron thing Kway was throwing out there may not have been too accurate but after Aaron and Buffy withheld that they were planning to Backdoor Villanelle, it’s obvious they are working very closely together. So basically the more this game progresses the more that is seems that Kway might have actually been telling the truth about many things lol.

So most of this mess started last week on her HoH. That’s basically when I first started not feeling her. We were all set on evicting Kway, half of us already voted and then suddenly she runs in wanting to evict Pedro cause the way he’s talking to you scares the hell out of you? I’m sorry. All he was doing was pitching a deal, weather or not it was realistic, Idrc, it wasn’t really that deep and the fact she went out of her way to flip the votes over that had me feeling a little uneasy.

Moving on, this Aaron HoH week definitely solidified that I need t stop trusting Buffy cause- no ma’am. So first she starts by putting these random rumours about Villanelle in the girl gang which I can’t verify weather they are true or not but whatever. So first of all Aaron is sketchy here as well. He told Cam that Kway was going up but then all of the sudden he doesn’t? There is absolutely no way that Kway and Aaron/Buffy don’t have deal. You don’t let your biggest adversary, who’s been trashing your name for like 2 weeks, stay off the block just cause “they’re a lone wolf” ??? That makes not a single bit of goddamn sense, unless there was a deal striken/alliance made. So he puts up Bob and Nat and seemingly Buffy was then hinting at a backdoor to some of the other girls which we’d assume was going to be Kway.... but no.

Buffy pulls me aside and is going out of her way to be vague as hell here. I simply asked for a name that she is talking about for clarity and then she’s all “Go scroll back in the girl gang chat” ??? I’m sorry just give me the damn name please and thanks. When she says she can’t have Villanelle find out I’m pretty sure the only people who knew of this plan were Aaron and Buffy (Maybe Kway too)

Thankfully queen DW shows up and is completely sketched out by Buffy aswell. So the two of us are just sitting here silently rooting on Villanelle to win the veto and what do you know... It Happens So it’s kept the same

This eviction is a very obvious choice for me in that I need Natalie to stay this week because I feel like I can put faith in her whereas I’ve never spoken to Bob. So I ran into the girl gang chat and made myself heard first before Buffy could try saying we should vote Nat out cause idk where she was thinking for this vote. Everything is all fine and peachy until Natalie makes her eviction speech. Completely innocent speech, referencing BB18 and all. But then Buffy takes her “flirty spy out” and turns it into a reason to push for Natalie to go? At that point I could tell she might have had a bigger reason for wanting to boot Natalie but no real good ones she could voice to us that we couldn’t also say about Bob. I wasn’t gonna let her try and flip the vote again this time especially when it’s Natalie on the line, someone who I feel like could be a number for me.

One good thing that came out of Buffy going out of her way once again to try and flip the vote is now me and DW know we can trust Syd cause she came right into my private rooms saying how Buffy was sketching her out which was perfect. Now I feel solidified in that Syd and DW are the two people I think I can trust the most in this game

Thank you for listening to my ted talk
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Arisa Cox
Arisa Cox

Join date : 2020-04-07

DR Ranting Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR Ranting   DR Ranting EmptyMon May 18, 2020 1:23 pm

Always a pleasure <3
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Big T

Big T

Join date : 2020-05-10

DR Ranting Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR Ranting   DR Ranting EmptyMon May 18, 2020 1:37 pm

*bows* <3
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DR Ranting Empty
PostSubject: Re: DR Ranting   DR Ranting Empty

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