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Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish

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PostSubject: Re: This room is for Sandra & Billie   This room is for Sandra & Billie - Page 50 EmptyFri Jul 17, 2020 10:51 pm

It is especially since the episodes are so short lol. I watched the first 3 eps already 3 is almost done.
I'm guessing the 2 main characters are Johan and the girl that plays ugly Betty
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Sandra Kaluiokalani

Sandra Kaluiokalani

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PostSubject: Re: This room is for Sandra & Billie   This room is for Sandra & Billie - Page 50 EmptySat Jul 18, 2020 8:26 am

lmao for some reason I love the third episode <3 it’s such a train wreck but I love it

I used to have the biggest crush on Jonah for some reason lol don’t judge me. And ugly Betty <3 that was another good show omg
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Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish

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PostSubject: Re: This room is for Sandra & Billie   This room is for Sandra & Billie - Page 50 EmptySat Jul 18, 2020 2:42 pm

I'll give my thoughts on episode 3 when I finish it! 

Lol I mean Jonah is good looking so I get it
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Sandra Kaluiokalani

Sandra Kaluiokalani

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PostSubject: Re: This room is for Sandra & Billie   This room is for Sandra & Billie - Page 50 EmptySat Jul 18, 2020 2:48 pm

lol alright sounds good!

And you have good taste obvs
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Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish

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PostSubject: Re: This room is for Sandra & Billie   This room is for Sandra & Billie - Page 50 EmptySat Jul 18, 2020 3:32 pm

I do 😌

Question: If you were in 2 alliances with Layla stated by you and Celine in her speech what was all that bickering for if y'all were working together?
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Sandra Kaluiokalani

Sandra Kaluiokalani

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PostSubject: Re: This room is for Sandra & Billie   This room is for Sandra & Billie - Page 50 EmptySat Jul 18, 2020 4:01 pm

I blame that round Aang and Marianne were the HOHs. I had spoken with all the nominees at that point and the one person I spoke to the least was Layla so I made the mistake of pushing for her to go instead of just letting things play out. Sorry that I wanted to play the game lmaoo. So people went to Layla and told her I wanted her gone even though minutes before she said if I was voting her she understands. I think I made it worse by actually campaigning but my pitch was simple - if Layla stays, nobody would take her out later in the game because she’s actually well-connected and would survive a normal round. Tyler, Megan, and Keke were too big of a threat to last much longer in the game. I figured a crazy round could ensure a big threat was taken out. Of course people actually liked Layla, and I do too. I think she’s hilarious and personable but I just felt like she was all over the place. Plus, she randomly came at me and started blaming me for throwing her under the bus to Marianne and Aang even though I literally had no impact on their nominations. I knew just as much as you did when Aang told us what was going down. She freaked out on me and we got into it in our private room. Marianne was acting sketchy though and wouldn’t tell Layla who told her all this so Layla assumed it was me. I know it wasn’t me but I did ask Marianne about the group alliance Michael had made with her and so Marianne probably compared notes with people on that alliance and realized Layla was a hot mess.

Anyway we made up, at least I thought we did. We were on a truce at least which is why I didn’t throw her name out afterwards. But it was clear things were different. I mean we did engage in a confrontation so it’s not like it was water under the bridge. But I didn’t care so I just moved past that. Fast forward to Marianne being nominated later and I tried to help her with the challenge. She ended up telling Layla about it and then I heard about it which is why I couldn’t trust Marianne, but then Layla was telling Marianne she didn’t trust me either lmfao. Which is fine, because I did campaign against her so I wasn’t going to hold it against her. I knew that if I won HOH I was going to honor my word and not go after her. But then the mystery HOH happened and Layla got nominated. I mean it did cross my mind to target her but I was not going to be the first one to strike. I wouldn’t have went after her in a mystery round. I just figured if she was on the block against someone I do like then I would vote her out. J still didn’t wanna campaign for her to go. So when she was nominated I kept it simple and didn’t tell people to vote her out. But she still got defensive and blamed me for it lmfao. Please. I would have nominated Celine. It makes no sense for me to put up Susie (no offense). But Layla is convinced that I had it out for her and did all this crazy scheming when I already knew she was the one plotting against me. But you know, I’m not the type of person to go back on an agreement if the person is genuine. And she wasn’t. Oh well.
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Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish

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PostSubject: Re: This room is for Sandra & Billie   This room is for Sandra & Billie - Page 50 EmptySat Jul 18, 2020 4:24 pm

I remember when she was on the block she did campaign to me twice because she said you were running around trying to get her voted out. Which I told her if that was the case idk but that you personally did not campaign for her to go to me at least and she didn't even respond lmao. I know Keke was Marianne's target that round and from what I remember I don't think Aang had one. I just found it weird that Layla was saying everyone was going to vote her out because you were campaigning for her to go but she ended up with zero votes sksks. But it makes sense because all of her alliances just voted the other way instead of her in the end. Why do you say KeKe was a big target? I know everyone made her out to be one but I didn't really know much about her game to really know tbh.

So basically Marianne pitted you and Layla against each other in a away after you tried to get Layla out the first time. You were also in an alliance with Susie can you explain that because based on her speech and Celine's Susie expected everyone from her alliance to keep her and that wasn't the case. I mean I'm fine with that because I'm still here so <3 but Susie getting put up seemed so random to me the two times it happened lol.
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Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish

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PostSubject: Re: This room is for Sandra & Billie   This room is for Sandra & Billie - Page 50 EmptySat Jul 18, 2020 4:25 pm

Still no idea who won that Mystery HoH they've kept that to themselves really good
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Sandra Kaluiokalani

Sandra Kaluiokalani

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PostSubject: Re: This room is for Sandra & Billie   This room is for Sandra & Billie - Page 50 EmptySat Jul 18, 2020 4:47 pm

Rofl I already told Saoirse and Arisa it’s going to be so easy to determine who the HOH is. I’m not going to write out how because I know they want it to be secretive after the game but trust me, there are so many different ways to find out who so it’s not going to remain a mystery for long. And I’ll definitely expose it <3 I need to clear my name for this travesty since people keep taking this game personally <3 But it’ll wait until post game, because as you said, whoever won it is being secretive.

lmfao Layla was running around like a lion that just its nose flicked. I had no idea why she was so bothered but I personally feel like she was playing an aggressive social game to begin with and people were starting to piece things together and she was so unsure on who the source was so she came at me since I was the easiest scapegoat. I don’t blame her but she’s definitely not correct here. I just wish she understood that.

Yeah I told Marianne I would have considered voting Keke until she told me Layla was throwing my name out so I told her that I was going to vote Layla out then and she freaked. In hindsight Marianne might have been pitting us against each other but it’s hard to tell. I don’t think she helped the matter but I think it was an underlying issue that was brought to the forefront earlier than if Marianne didn’t get involved. lol so many people told Layla I wanted her gone so they messed with me by not going after her lmfao. People wanted us both in the game to feud I guess. I even mentioned in my DR that me campaigning for Layla to go probably saved her lmfao.

Keke was not really a huge threat but perception is everything. People assumed she was a target so they would go after her whether it was justified or not. But Layla was not being perceived as being that big of a target compared to Keke even though Layla had five people say she’d be their ideal f2. I know those superlatives don’t matter but to me it showed that enough people liked her to not wanna come after her.

Susie and I had been in an alliance that formed early on. I liked her vibe and she didn’t seem too involved in any of this drama, plus she had her own independent mind. Even though Carter and Layla were annoyed at me, I gave Susie no reason to be upset with me and she and I kept communicating afterwards. It wasn’t like we dropped each other after that implosion. I did like Susie, but in the end she was nominated against you so I had no choice but to vote her out the game. Like I said, she fully expected me to keep her in the game and that’s a vote I feel bad about. But I think the closeness of the vote made her uncertain on who voted who so she didn’t drag me thankfully <3
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Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish

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PostSubject: Re: This room is for Sandra & Billie   This room is for Sandra & Billie - Page 50 EmptySat Jul 18, 2020 5:48 pm

I agree that the process of elimination makes it easier to know who it was based on obvious factors. I'll be waiting then to see who you think it was <3

After the game I'm sure she'll see what actually happened/went down and will understand what actually happened. If she still cant understand that then it sucks but you tired at least.

Yeah Marianne wanted me to vote Keke as well and although I agreed at first I ended up doing Megan instead because at the time it made more sense to me. But I did let her know so idk if she freaked out over that too when I told her like you did. If you didn't campaign for her to go and she was one of them to leave that night but since campaigned and she stayed LOL that's messy. Agreed on the Layla part which is why I found her staying longer than she did would've been bad down the line as well. I think people probably forgot about that but I think we're on the same page as regards to that.

Why would Carter be upset with you? lol Susie did have a nice vibe I agree on that and she seemed chill even down to her eviction. The closeness of the vote phew it was 1 away from a tie. But yeah since she expected you to keep her thats most likely why she didnt drag you although she didn't really drag anyone on her way out much.
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Sandra Kaluiokalani

Sandra Kaluiokalani

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PostSubject: Re: This room is for Sandra & Billie   This room is for Sandra & Billie - Page 50 EmptySat Jul 18, 2020 6:23 pm

Well there’s process of elimination but then there’s the fact that at the end of the season there are very obvious ways to find out who won. But it can’t be done until after when everything is revealed. But let’s be honest, whoever won is going to reveal it anyway in the jury house or if they make finals. It was too good a move with so much great fallout afterwards. And let’s be real, people naturally have egos so they’re gonna wanna reveal everything when it’s opportune.

Honestly, and I’ve said this to other people, and I know it’ll make me sound horrible or whatever, but I don’t care what people think about me from this game alol. I mean obviously I like a lot of people here and don’t hold any negative feelings towards them, but I’m not going to bend over backwards and beg people for acceptance. That’s not the type of person I am. So if she sees I was right and apologizes, great. If she doesn’t, I’m not going to lose sleep over it. Some people might feel bad if they can’t win someone over but I just don’t see the point in that. But that’s just me.

Honestly Megan was such a chaotic player. I really did think I was her number one ally or at least up there but from what I hear she had a lot of people wrapped around her finger so I’m glad she left. She would have been a huge liability anyway.

I kinda miss Layla though. Even though she was a train wreck and threw me under the table I think we were both played by the same person. It sucks but we gotta get over it.

She woulda been upset if Layla had trashed my game and just tell people I can’t be trusted. I just figured after that round I was on an island by myself since literally nobody voted Layla lmfao. that’s why I spent all my money on immunity even though realistically I should have saved for the DPOV. It was an emotional decision but oh well. I have to continue trekking on.

Susie didn’t drag many people but what I don’t get is why everyone says this season is predictable and has paul running the show but then they mention so many people. Eventually these people are all going to go for each other. There are two spots in finals. I mean duh?
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Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish

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PostSubject: Re: This room is for Sandra & Billie   This room is for Sandra & Billie - Page 50 EmptySat Jul 18, 2020 7:44 pm

Yeah the most obvious would be who voted vs who didn't lolol. But I agree if said person makes it to Jury I don't see them not saying especially if they make it to Final 2.

I agree I'm the same way to an extent and at the end of the day it's just a game it's not that deep to be bitter over. Of course there's money on the line but in the end there's only 1 winner and a runner up lol. I can see being upset tho during the game but once its over then it should stay that way.

Megan was definently a liability especially with all of the alliances she apparently made. But i can see how she had people wrapped around her finger I can imagine who those people were.

Well hopefully she sees that when the game is over it and y'all can chat about the game and what happened or could've happened etc. 

Omg I thought you said you had to continue twerking on lmfao. Phew that DPOV still hasn't been snatched yet either amd Celine said she was close to winning it too. I mean you're still here so it probably wasnt a bad move to get the immunity plus no one knew a DPOV was going to be in the shop besides speculating.

Yeah I agree plus if they knew all these things they could've done something about it as well? Like make it make sense lmao which clearly they didn't but complained.
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Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish

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PostSubject: Re: This room is for Sandra & Billie   This room is for Sandra & Billie - Page 50 EmptySat Jul 18, 2020 7:44 pm

Good luck in HoH tonight!
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Sandra Kaluiokalani

Sandra Kaluiokalani

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PostSubject: Re: This room is for Sandra & Billie   This room is for Sandra & Billie - Page 50 EmptySat Jul 18, 2020 7:56 pm

Yeah I mean I get getting upset during the game. I think at this point it’s fair to say everyone has invested enough time and commitment to it that losing is going to suck for anyone who gets evicted. But it’s just a game and at the end of the day it’s going to come down to separate game from personal. I think as long as people don’t make it personal then it should be fine but everyone takes it differently. I also don’t believe in bitter jurors. If someone gets to the game and manages to tank because of bad jury management, that’s on them because they knew what was expected going in. That’s why I think Paul deserved to lose in BB19. ^_^

I loved Celine saying Megan’s plan blew up in her face <3 so true though lmao. But I have no interest in trying to force things to work out. I have an open door but I’m not going to go out of my way besides the obligatory “k guys it was fun ^_^ lets have fun!” I mean a lot is done in the context of the game and if people translate that into the “real world” that’s on them,

lmao @ twerking. If I didn’t buy the immunity I would have enough to buy the DPOV so I’m annoyed now. But yeah I just gotta focus on the present me thinks.

Good luck in HOH!
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Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish

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PostSubject: Re: This room is for Sandra & Billie   This room is for Sandra & Billie - Page 50 EmptySat Jul 18, 2020 8:32 pm

Agreed we're pretty much on the same page for your first/secind paragraph. Yass Paul deserved to loose in BB19<3 for BB18 though I think he should've won lol. But it's funny he lost 2 seasons back to back so <3

Me thinks we have to focus on the present too lol whats happened happened now time to move forward
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