this is bad yall. very very bad. me and carly are about to get picked off tomorrow and the next day and i feel so bad for carly more than i feel bad for myself. carly tried to make a move, a good move, but of course MEN always ruin everything. and now i am sure they are gonna try and keep sandra so that carly has yet another enemy. we know im not good at competitions so if i dont win HOH tomorrow then me and carly are atuomatic nominations. but even if i win HOH, im really just guaranteeing safety for myself because carly will probably get put up with the diamond power of veto on my own hoh. im honestly just so exhausted and very annoyed. also can i say that tyler is very dumb for wanting to go to the end with carter lolz. carter has had way better jury management then he has and let me tell yall someone when i go to jury, i WILL taint the jury agaisnt him. idk if yall have seen me on twitter games but one thing i am good at is tainting juries and having them vote the way i want which is usually me being bitter at one of the nominees and me making sure they dont win. i dont know whats gonna happen tonight and quite honestly i dont think i care because me and carly are the next ones out for sure. this steamroll is very boring.