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 Final 2

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Amber Borzotra
Tonya Harding
Viola Davis
Sandra Diaz-Twine
Courage The Cowardly Dog
Arisa Cox
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Arisa Cox
Arisa Cox

Join date : 2020-04-07

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PostSubject: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyThu Dec 17, 2020 8:35 pm

Final 2

Final 2 Buddy_10

Congratulations Buddy & Courage The Cowardly Dog, you are the final 2. I don't think many could have predicted this final 2, but it's well deserved. You manage to outlast some tough competition to make it here, you should both be proud of the game you played, I know I am.

Buddy & Courage The Cowardly Dog will post their opening statements and then the jury can start asking questions and comments. Until them, you can't.

The Jury

Jay Starrett
Lori Valenti
Cassie Howard
Sandra Diaz-Twine
Viola Davis
Tonya Harding
Eli Pope
Amber Borzotra

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Join date : 2020-11-25

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyThu Dec 17, 2020 9:09 pm

Hello everyone!

Coming into a game like this with a large cast (in my opinion) the most important thing to do is manage your threat level. This isn’t like a normal 16 person cast where you can come out of the gates gun blazing and still succeed (usually.) This was my perception anyway. So my main and initial strategy was to not win anything in the first half of the game and focus solely on my social game. I know people who win comps early in this game are often on multiple people’s radar. Their threat level skyrockets the earlier you win comps, so my main goal was to not win unless I had to (early on) and just establish connections with people.

Unfortunately for me, I had some pretty horrid timing with the first couple rounds of the game as it conflicted with some real life family issues, to where I had to contemplate pulling myself from the game. Luckily, they worked themselves out relatively quick, but unfortunately for me I missed a couple rounds of major major social interaction that I felt set me back. My plan to form a group was now out the window because I was convinced by round 3 people had already started to establish who they trusted and didn’t. I made it a point to reach out to the HOH’s the first couple rounds and offer safety in return for safety, but I knew I was now falling way behind in the social game department as I wasn’t really able to reach out to anyone else.

Long story short I started to go to work. I found a #1 relatively soon with Ms. Tina. The good news was that Tina was clearly loyal to me in return, the bad news was that she clearly also hadn’t been reaching out to people and was a clear target. By this point I was also working with Cassie, Beyonce, Jay, Sabrina, Caillou & Tonya (separately) I got really close to all of them, but it wasn’t long until Tina was nominated and sent out and I was in search for a new ride or die. I thought I had found this in Sabrina, and we actually strategized and bonded quite well. I had my first alliance chat of the game, it was her & one other person…. Though we all know how this story ends. She is pulled from the game, which sucked for me because I did completely trust her.

Realizing now the game was headed down a Sandra/Tonya endgame trajectory I started to go to work to counter that. I reached out to Viola who I hadn’t spoke to at all pre jury and really laid it out. We needed each other. We were going to be picked off if we didn’t link up. Luckily, Viola was immediately receptive and clearly had been thinking the same thing. We teamed up and strategized how to take on Tonya/Sandra but knew we couldn’t do it alone…

It was around this point where I reached out to Courage, because I felt Courage was on the outside as well. Courage & I hit it off instantly and immediately clicked. Reaching out to Courage was huge for me because it helped change the course of the game. At this point I had immense trust in Courage, Viola & Beyonce and I realized THIS was the group that I could form to hopefully take over.  

Beyonce now was my new #1 and who I wanted to go to the end with. Well, we know how that worked out. Beyonce had some family issues and also had to pull herself. By this point THREE of my main allies had now either quit, been expelled, or targeted and flung pre jury. I thought I was pretty screwed. Losing Beyonce that round really deflated me and make me have to quickly rewire how I wanted to do things.

Luckily for me, Beyonce did tell me she was planning on quitting the night before she made the announcement, and knowing that I couldn’t change her mind, I asked for her coins. She sent all her coins over to me, which was huge for me in the endgame.

My backup plan I pitched was a counter alliance of Cassie/Courage/Viola & myself. Sadly, that didn’t work out as there was some trust issues with Courage & Cassie so rather than pushing and trying to force a square into a circle I backed off. I continued to PUSH the need for a solid counter alliance to Viola and Courage and thus the group of 4 was finally formed: Myself, Eli, Courage, Viola. This alliance was major for me. I didn’t know how much I trusted Eli, but I knew at this point I fully trusted Viola & Courage. When the before & after competition arrived it was my strategy of “don’t even read the question, one of you needs to post ‘before’ and someone else needs to post ‘after’ immediately to combat Tonya’s speed. It was that strategy that ultimately scored our alliance the win, and Eli became HOH after really stepping up and killing it.

When the “I Love You” competition came up, it was insanely tricky. The point of our core 4 alliance was to remain a secret, however I urged that we needed to all stockpile votes in the same room if we wanted a chance to win. Doing that, would show our cards though. It was beyond tricky but we did go to work and throw votes on Viola. Tonya was, once again though a FORCE and almost single handedly won Sandra the HOH. At this point it was clear the nominations were going to be myself & viola, and our alliance of 4 would lose its first member.

This was until I came up with the counter strategy to pool our coins. My alliance wanted to all go in and buy in the coup, but it was me who said we need to get the co-HOH instead. Far less money, and saves us coins for a future purchase (which came in handy) I decided I wanted Courage to become the co-HOH, because I assumed Sandra would nominate Viola as her main target, and best case scenario I win veto and pull her off. The other good thing about this was that if Tonya or Sandra won veto (which was a high probability), WE could control the replacement. Getting Courage to agree to take it was tricky, because I knew I was the best at competitions in my alliance so it would make sense if we did it this way, but since I was still throwing them I couldn’t outright say that. Courage agreed to take the co-HOH, Tonya went up, Viola went up, I got picked. It was ALMOST a perfect plan. I came in 2nd place in the veto, lost to Sandra, but this was still okay! Tonya comes off, WE get to pick the replacement and WE control the votes. This week was huge for my group where we would have lost a number otherwise. Caillou going up was hard for me, as I do adore Caillou, however I just didn’t know where his head was at, and he SEEMED to be more aligned with Tonya/Sandra. Tonya basically single handedly won him back into the game herself, and since had picked him twice for HGC. It was a hard decision but I felt it was necessary.

With Tonya AND Sandra both eligible to compete in the HOH at final 7 and now essentially going to be able to play in every competition, I knew we needed to act again. I had JUST enough money for the mystery HOH and this was the last round to buy powers. I was incredibly nervous that if I used all my money on the mystery HOH, someone else would buy something that could screw me in a future round like a vote canceler/double vote So I didn’t tell anyone I had Beyonce’s money and said I needed to pool money to afford the mystery HOH. Here I got money from Courage & Viola as well as telling Eli he should buy the vote nullifier to save Viola (which he did) - With the DPOV out of play this ensured that I had the last power and that no one else left in the game could really afford anything that could potentially come back to screw me.

I activated the mystery HOH put up Tonya/Sandra, and while everyone seemingly wanted Tonya out, I started to lay the groundwork in case the noms stayed the same to save Tonya, as for me, between the two Tonya was the one I felt if push came to shove I could work with a little more. Sandra was also beasting the comps just a little scarier. I got Courage and my group on board, to axe Sandra if they stayed the same, but it didn’t ultimately matter. I come in 2nd place in the comp (I believe I came in 2nd place in like 6 comps help) Tonya pulls herself off and Sandra, who was my main concern was finally out.

Top 6 rolls around and the HOH is something I want myself or someone in my alliance of 4 to win. There’s only a couple chances to stop Tonya’s steamroll, so I knew I had to step up. Here, I knew it was BEST case scenario if Courage won the HOH so I’d be eligible for the next one.. If I took this HOH for myself and Tonya survived, Tonya would 10000% win the next HOH as she was better at comps than all of them. So I actually finished the HOH before anyone, sent the answers to Courage and asked Courage to take the HOH. (Note, if I didn’t do it through this method, Tonya 100% wins the final 5 HOH, and potentially the final 4 veto and Is still here) Courage puts up Viola/Tonya and Tonya comes off. Worst case scenario. It’s Viola/Amber on the block, two people I’m working closely too now, and either way I’m losing an ally. I struggle all night with this decision, but ultimately my vote gets canceled and it doesn’t even matter.

It’s final 5 and it’s basically do or die at this point. I’m sure Tonya is coming for me and I know I need to come for her. This was huge as no one else even showed up for the competition so it was LITERALLY me or Tonya. My notes came in BEYOND clutch for this competition, and I pulled off the HOH. This all came down to the veto. Luckily I pulled off the veto win and Tonya was out. Right here was massive, because I’m sure had Tonya survived that round, she’s final 2. I took out the biggest and most powerful player of the game essentially alone that round.

Final 4 was tricky too because now I’m fully aware that if I lose veto, I’m toast. My method of ALWAYS having a bigger target in front of me was no longer applicable. I helped Courage win the HOH this round again and my fate comes down to the veto and I pull off the win. Amber or Eli. Eli was a clear bigger threat to win as he was doing some pretty good scheming and at this point I was more loyal to Amber, it wasn’t easy but I knew Eli had to go as he would have cut me instantly if he was able to (as he should have, no hard feelings)  

Anyway I’m sorry this is so long (especially after I planned to make it concise ) but if it’s easier I can just highlight some of my main accomplishments that I’m proud of…

- Bounced back from all 3 of my main allies being expelled/quitting/or sent out pre jury or early jury.
- Was only nominated one time the entire season
- Was the only houseguest who never sat on the block during eviction night so I never had the opportunity to be voted out. The only time I was nominated I won the veto to pull myself off.
- Helped create the counter alliance that worked together to successfully take down 2 of the strongest players of the season
- Was responsible for planning & purchasing the co-hoh that saved my alliance of 4
- Was responsible for planning & purchasing the mystery HOH that broke up Sandra/Tonya successfully
- Was sent money by 4 people, reflects the trust I had built with them that I needed in order top purchase these items.
- Sandra & Tonya, two players who were in the process of steamrolling to the end both left on my HOH.
- Successfully laid low and always ensured there was a bigger target in front of me, and then won out when there no longer was.

All in all I'm very proud of the game I played. I know it wasn't the flashiest or most exciting, but I do feel as though I did more than it appears to the naked eye. I'll be happy to answer any and all questions you guys have for me and thank all of you for making this such a fun season for me during such a terrible time in the world.

Arisa Cox, Saoirse Ronan, Joe Exotic, DW, Amy Schumer, Billie Eilish, Sandra Diaz-Twine and like this post

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Courage The Cowardly Dog

Courage The Cowardly Dog

Join date : 2020-11-25

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyThu Dec 17, 2020 9:34 pm

Wow.... this was so unexpected..
I honesty didn't think I was gonna make it to F2

When the game started, I was in an alliance called the 6-S. I honesty thought I was cool with the alliance until after the alliance was exposed, I knew I was in the bottom. ( Well I was always been in the bottom of every game i've played in).

So I was going around trying to find someone who maybe the outs also and when Tina said that she was on the outs, I thought ok maybe I can team up with her and help each other to go to the end, but sadly it failed cause she was inactive most of the time. So I went and looked for another person and Buddy dm me and said that he feels he is on the outs and we should make a deal and I didn't trust him at first and when I looked back at the alliance being called out, Buddy's name wasn't on it and I said to myself, I think I should so I teamed up and made a F2 with him.

When I came to learn that there was a girl alliance from the words from Lori, Jay, and Beyonce, I knew I had to do something or else I'll be cut along with Buddy. So Buddy and I decided to dm Viola and Eli to team up and go against the 2 ppl who happen to be the heads of alliance which was Sandra and Tonya. Plus considering those 2 are such an amazing comp beast. We discussed about going for CO-HOH and Buddy wanted me to go for it and I wasn't so sure cause i was scared then at the same time, it had to be done and I went for the CO-HOH and put up Tonya. Tonya did win and I end up putting up Cassie cause she was in the girl alliance as well, but felt bad for doing it cause Tonya was my target so meanwhile that happened, Caillou made a f2 with me called Cartoon Connection that Dom told him to create, but this he wanted to re create it cause he was loyal to me. I would say that was the eviction that broke my heart cause Caillou was loyal to me and he made good points about Viola cause the jury did seem to like Viola so the reason I evicted him is to se if I can take these players out and guess what, it happened.

Sandra goes out, then when I won HOH, I told Tonya that she was going up against Viola and told her to win POV and after I put Viola up, told her the same thing to win POV then told her she was my target cause I'm and honest person which I'll get to that. So when Tonya won, I knew I had to get Viola out cause of her being the person that will win the game. So she leaves and someone used the twist against Buddy which idk who.

Then Tonya leaves. I told Tonya that I was gonna vote her out and idk how she felt, but at least I said it with my full chest. When I won Final 4 HOH, I decided to throw up Eli and Amber cause not because of VETO, cause Buddy and I had a f2. Then Final 3 happened then boom here.

So in this game, I have always been an honest person minus 1 thing. I did lie to Tonya about who had the Mystery HOH cause I knew she would run back the info. Every thing else, I have been honest. I have been a upfront person and told ppl you are staying, you are leaving, or you're going up. It wasn't easy to say those things, but same time. I don't want to sit back and be a wuss. There were some parts I didn't say you were going up which was to Cassie cause I didn't think she was active, but I felt bad for not telling her and Eli cause I didn't have time, but I sadly didn't know why I didn't tell him which I'll take the blame.

Buddy and I helped each other to get to the end and I honesty thought we weren't going to make it to the end. If there is anyone I would rather lose to, it's Buddy. He made me became a stronger person  and really helped me to believe in myself because I have always putted myself down and said I sucked and that no one likes me, but he said hey you are doing amazing and you need to stop putting yourself down. So I am so glad I am able to make it to the end with Buddy <3

That is my opening statement, if i missed anything, I will put it in my final statement <3 It has been fun playing with every single one of you.

Last edited by Courage The Cowardly Dog on Thu Dec 17, 2020 9:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

Arisa Cox, Saoirse Ronan, Joe Exotic, DW, Amy Schumer, Billie Eilish, Buddy and like this post

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Sandra Diaz-Twine

Sandra Diaz-Twine

Join date : 2020-11-25

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyThu Dec 17, 2020 9:39 pm

damn, I was gonna ask a question but one of you sold me with that speech alone. Stellar gameplay tbh. Good luck to you both <3

Amy Schumer, Buddy, Courage The Cowardly Dog and Amber Borzotra like this post

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Viola Davis

Viola Davis

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyThu Dec 17, 2020 9:50 pm

Courage I gotta question

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Courage The Cowardly Dog

Courage The Cowardly Dog

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyThu Dec 17, 2020 9:52 pm

What's up?
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Viola Davis

Viola Davis

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyThu Dec 17, 2020 9:52 pm

I think you’ve played a well rounded game but one thing I really disliked was how overly apologetic you were about the moves you made and it almost comes off as insincere. Was that part of your strategy or is it just who you are as a person

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Courage The Cowardly Dog

Courage The Cowardly Dog

Join date : 2020-11-25

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyThu Dec 17, 2020 10:02 pm

That's a good question. That's just how I am as a person. I can see why you think that cause how ppl used that as strategy like Nicole Franzel. I understand this is a game, but same time it does messes me up because sometimes I feel people may not like me like what I stated and that's why I apologize because sometimes I feel the inner me should say sorry and I don't just do it in the game, I always say sorry to ppl on the outside. I think also this happened when I was playing this game and I didn't apologize about the move I made and I received tons of hate and I felt wow because it was mean so if it did came out as insincere then I apologized and next time I need to own it up and thank you so much for telling me this.

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Tonya Harding

Tonya Harding

Join date : 2020-11-25

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyThu Dec 17, 2020 10:10 pm

Congrats to the final 2.


Your speech is phenomenal and it gave me a very clear picture of your overall game and I am extremely impressed. I'm excited to find out who you are and talk to you further about the game in general. You absolutely made the correct call in nominating me and keeping the nominations the same to get me out of the game. Your read was right, if I had won HOH at final 5, you were going to be my main target because I always felt like you were a huge challenge threat lurking under the radar waiting for the right moment to strike. I put a ton of time, energy and passion into this game and gave it everything I had and the fact you were able to stop my steamroll is very impressive. I guess my question to you was if you felt like our relationship was total BS the entire time, what was the reason for the dance we were doing the entire game especially the night I left. You basically admitted to me about you being the mystery HOH and went out of your way to try to make a safety pact with me (a pact that I don't think EITHER of us were going to abide to lol). What was your logic in all of that?

Your speech was so good that it has made me overlook my initial disgust that you didn't cut Courage at final 3. I thought it would be a no brainer and you had enough ice in your veins to make the cutthroat call in eliminating an ally to bring a goat to the end of the game (no disrespect to Amber.)

Can you also go into deep detail about your relationship with Beyonce and how that started and what she told you exactly. This really surprised me as I thought Beyonce was close to me and Sandra and I had no idea at all that she was giving away her coins to you. Really wild to me.


I won't lie it will take a lot for you to be able to convince me to vote for you over Buddy who really blew me away with his speech. I'll tell you what my main problem with you was. While you did make the big move to take out Viola, your social dynamics in the game I found extremely annoying. I've never seen a player kiss people's asses more than you did, it felt SO over the top and ridiculous. You would shower praise on every single player. I understand trying to do jury management but you did it in such an over the top manner that it felt extra. If I had a nickle every time you said you loved someone or used a <3 I would be Jeff Bezos. I'm relieved you didn't continue to roleplay as literally Courage the cowardly dog and stopped referring to yourself as a brave dog, etc. That's a plus at least.

So my main question to you is why should Tonya Harding specifically give COURAGE her vote over Buddy. I want you to be mean here and candid, why does Buddy not deserve my vote at all and don't sugarcoat it.

Sandra Diaz-Twine, Buddy and Courage The Cowardly Dog like this post

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Tonya Harding

Tonya Harding

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyThu Dec 17, 2020 10:19 pm

One more thing for Courage:

If you won Final HOH, would you have cut Amber like Buddy did?

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Join date : 2020-11-25
Age : 27

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyThu Dec 17, 2020 10:22 pm

Congratulations to the both of you.

I want to apologize if my eviction speech was a bit harsh. But the two of not only proved me wrong, you both dominated the end game. I’m so impressed with the both of you and I’m really uncertain with who I’m going to vote.

My question at the moment, for both of you is, what one move do you think defines your game the best? What was the one highlight of your game that proves you are the top contender?

Congratulations again, I’ll be watching and listening Smile

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Courage The Cowardly Dog

Courage The Cowardly Dog

Join date : 2020-11-25

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyThu Dec 17, 2020 10:29 pm

I appreciate the honesty Tonya.

I honesty don't think I was kissing ppl, I was basically was trying to show my love and I wanted to use emoji's but it failed. you are right, I did kinda stop playing the character in which I'll explain why I chose the character in the end.

So I was been honest and very upfront to most ppl. Buddy hasn't. I mostly frontstabbed ppl, Buddy backstabbed ppl. I have been truthful in most of the game, Buddy hasn't been truthful in most of the game. Buddy didn't really stand his own ground in most of the game and I did in most of the game. So I think I deserve to win over Buddy because I did all of these things with my full chest while Buddy didn't really do these things. Even if he did, he didn't really that much.

I know it did annoy ppl that I may have done to much of the loving and the suck up, but I am so glad you are all telling me this because I know now I should not be doing this and if it did cause my game then I will own it. Tonya, again thank you for being honest with the statements.
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Join date : 2020-11-25

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyThu Dec 17, 2020 10:35 pm


I should have been a little more clear, I apologize. I didn't think our relationship was BS the entire time at all. I actually DID have you at #1 in my (first) ranking and it said something like "I know I'm probably not even in her top 3 but she talks to me the most and I don't see her striking at me until much later" I think that was like top 14? It was honestly when you used the veto on Sandra that was my kick in the ass wake up call to start scrambling elsewhere lmao. (For context to anyone else reading this; Tonya really had me sold that she was most loyal to me, and knew that I wanted Sandra out after nominating me, got picked for veto by Sandra, said she wouldn't be using it if she won, won it and used it) THAT was when I realized "oh sh!t... I need to do act soon or those two will steamroll to the end together" but of course I wanted to manage my relationship with you in the meantime and still make it seem like I still fully trusted you the most, but if I'm being honest yes that veto moment was when I switched up and inspired me to reach out to Viola/Courage to form something else, you did a phenom. job socially and that's not jury management/ass kissing it's legit impressive how convincing you are.

As far as the safety pact, I'm glad you confirmed my suspicions because I really did feel like at that point 'it's me or tonya' - you were incredibly intimidating in comps and it was so clear that one of me or you was probably going to dominate the endgame comps. I knew that *I* was going to have to target you if I won, but I didn't know 100% you were going to do the same. I of course had my suspicions, because you're a gamer and a strategist and nothing else would have made sense for you, but I thought in the off off OFF chance that you would maybe be silly enough to target someone else at final 5 I need to hedge my bets and make a deal for insurance. I'm actually glad to know you weren't bothering to honor that because I knew deep down you were a better player than that lol But, yeah, long story short it was in hopes that if I lost the HOH you would hopefully target someone else. A long shot and not really my style but I had to try something. Admitting the mystery HOH was honestly just to try and garner your trust more to ensure that you would hopefully look elsewhere if you won.

Regarding my decision on whom to take, the fact of the matter is I did have a final 2 deal in place with Courage, and not one with Amber. I was well aware that I could cut Courage, break that and most likely easily win against Amber, as I was aware of the jury's perception of her, but I really didn't want to go that route and truly felt that my resume should be able to stack up to either contender. I also wasn't fully sure what the jury was thinking, there ARE people who would have had the opposite reaction as you I'm sure and looked at it as a cop out. So I did think it through, but I wanted to honor my deal and have faith in my speech and game once I was able to lay everything out.

Regarding Beyonce, I'm not entirely sure how we clicked up, I know I reached out to her and we made a room together but it was just natural. I don't want to speak for her but I know Dom's exit speech / expose had her looking at some people differently. I really should give credit to Dom because I do think her laying out all those alliances, none of which I was involved with really helped me lmao. I know Beyonce said she no longer trusted you or Sandra as much because of your names being overly saturated in so many of those rooms. Whether she was just telling me that or truly believed it, I'm not sure.. but I think that's actually how our room started because I reached out and said use me as an ally, I'm not in any of those rooms that just got exposed, I'm loyal, etc. We went over a lot of strategy and she just became the person I talked to the most. I know she was still playing her game and had conversations with others, but I would like to think that her telling me ahead of time about bowing out of the game & sending her coins to me would mean that it was completely reciprocated trust. If there's anything else you want to know or more specific details let me know. Thank you Tonya you were a monster of a force this season lol

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Amber Borzotra

Amber Borzotra

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyThu Dec 17, 2020 10:38 pm

I have a question that I don’t know was answered by Tonya, Courage. Would you take me to the final? If you did, would that be the way you would want to win with a person who was unable to be involved as much?
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Courage The Cowardly Dog

Courage The Cowardly Dog

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyThu Dec 17, 2020 10:39 pm

The truth is Yes, I would of cut Amber Tonya because how we both helped each other to go to the end. He really helped me to take me to where I am and I helped him to where he is too. I don't think I was winning either way and I would rather lose to Buddy than to Amber only because how we met late while Buddy and I worked our way to the end.
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