so i'm putting in a lot of work with ms. billie which could be a game changer... if i can lock in a duo with billie and she can pull of a clutch competition win that could be a huge game changer. or even if I need an extra vote while on the block. If I'm up against someone that isn't Tyler in the next two rounds I do have a double vote and a vote nullification that hopefully will be enough to keep me here... I think I'm back to being in a HORRID spot. Nobody wants to take the shot.
I feel like I need to win and take the shot at Sandra/Carter and just hope nominations don't change, and if they do then Audrey has to go up.... which would REALLY tank my game.
Worst case scenario is I get HOH and Carter plays an immunity necklace which I think she obviously definitely has, she was way too obvious about "if you need to nominate me that's fine!!" last time rather than campaigning, aka: tell me you're about to put me up so I can play it.
so if Carter plays immunity... I would probably be forced to put up Audrey/Sandra, two people that I'm not OPENLY against yet, and playing along like I trust them. Now... let's say Carter wins veto and pulls one of them down I'd probably put up AOC... who would then go home LMAO I would honestly have to quit on the spot.
Or say I do get rid of one of Sandra/Carter/Audrey... one of them comes right back after the buyback. This is a really shitty spot I'm in.