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Big Brother Quarantine

Big Brother Quarantine Season 9
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Penny Proud

Penny Proud

Join date : 2020-06-29

Immunity Empty
PostSubject: Immunity   Immunity EmptySat Jul 04, 2020 4:44 pm

Once upon a time in a land not so far away there lived a girl named Chloe.

Chloe was a very bored teenager who had been quarantined since the day she was born. She lived in a small bunker with her mom, dad and 2 siblings. She did the same routine every day and often daydreamed of the life her mom talked about before the great quarantine of 2020.

Chloe had never even left her small bubble wrapped town. The bubble wrap wasn't even something Chloe noticed, but her dad tells the story of the day the bubble wrap went up so much that Chloe could recite it word for word.

It was 2027 and Chloe's parents were planning their wedding via zoom video conference, when the town loud speakers alerted everyone to get in their homes and stay there for the remainder of the night.
All night as they cuddled together in bed they could hear plastic popping and when they awoke the next morning the entire town had been sealed off from the outside world.

Chloe rushed through breakfast and asked to be excused from the table, today was the biggest day of Chloe's life and she had to get ready.

Today was her immunity walk day. She would be going outside of the bubble wrap with the rest of the year 18's in her town and all of the nearby towns.

Once a year the state of FVC (the former Virginia Commonwealth) gathered every person in there borders who turned 18 to see if they had immunity from the airborne virus that began in 2020, but quickly mutated into something unspeakable.

Chloe and her best friend Susie Carmichael both turned 18 this year and they would both be participating in the immunity walk.

The girls spent the day doing their hair, nails, and eye makeup and picking out a cute outfits to wear with the custom masks Susie's mom made for them.

As they were getting ready susie mom told them about her teenage years and the different types of makeup she wore back then, like lipstick and highlighter and even blush.
The girls laughed at the idea of wearing makeup under their masks... How pointless since you could only take off your while eating meals with your household members.

Once the girls were completely ready Chloe, susie and both of their families headed down to the town gate to say their last goodbyes before the girls met up with the group for their immunity walk.

Chloe was super excited to be leaving the town's perimeter she had always felt super confined and she new there was a world out there to explore.

Susie was terrified, she had been dreading the immunity walk since her older brother left home on immunity walk day and never returned.

As the gate opens and the town council releases the annual frog sacrifice into the non bubble wrapped air, the girls put on their special immunity suits and get ready to venture into a new land.

Its a 40 minute walk before Chloe see's it. The skyscraper, something she has only seen in pictures before. Staring in awe and amazement at the building she accidentally bumps into someone and they both fall to the ground.

Here let me help you up the boy says to Chloe. Chloe looks up at the boy and is confused how can it be possible that she is more amazed by the looks of this person than the tall building she just saw.

"Are you ok" the boy mutters? "Huh" Chloe asks.

"Hi my name is Percy" the boy says as he double nods in Chloe direction. Chloe finally gathers her composure and triple nods back.

"Hi I am Chloe". "Hi I am Susie" Susie interrupts as she sends a double nod back at Percy.

Chloe blushes with embarrassment because she forgot Susie was there during this exchange. Thank god, Percy cannot see her cheeks under her helmet and behind her mask.

"What town are you from" Percy asks, "we are from bubble 3," Chloe whispers. "What town are you from Percy" Susie steps in and and confidently asks, oh I am from the Awakening Percy boldly states.

"The Awakening?" Chloe stammers. "Uh we have to get going" Susie says as she grabs Chloe and pulls her away. "No touching " Chloe says.. "You know the rules Susie."

"I cannot believe he is from the Awakening" Susie says.

The girls grew up hearing stories about a group of people who refused to reside under the new law order and went to war with the state but eventually they all called a truce and let the Awakening live as they wished. The state even gave the awakening 2 seats on the council and the Awakening agreed to wear masks to all FVC events and take part in FVC traditions like Immunity day and nodding instead of shaking hands.

The girls head over to their assigned locations for the immunity test. Susie is eliminated after test number 2 she is definitely not immune but as the day goes on Chloe makes it round after round until finally there is only one test left. Chloe must remove her Quarantine Suit and test out the air.

When Chloe arrives at the quarantine tent to receive her test, there is only one other person there with her and its Percy. The 2 are quarantined together in the area where they will do the test.

Percy tries to make small talk with Chloe...
"This is serious Percy, we need to focus on the test be quiet" Chloe snarls.

"its ok, all of my siblings have been immune, they told me all about its easy. If you arent immune when you take off your suit you'll know right away just put back on your helmet and head to the medical tent." Percy says with confidence.

Both teens remove their suits and feel the fresh air on their face for the first time in their lives. They're quiet for about 2 minutes, and then Percy slowly leans over and asks Chloe if he can kiss her, Chloe nods twice for consent and Percy kisses Chloe on the cheek.

Chloe jumps.

"I have never kissed anyone before" Percy says.

Just then a loud voice comes over the tent's speaker ok both of you are free to go. Please put back on your suits.

"But we are immune" Percy yells out into the air.

When both teens get no response they put back on their suits and Percy reaches over and pulls chloe close.

"Please return to your designated areas" the loud speaker screams.

Startled, Chloe runs out of the tent and back to Susie.

"Where is your shoe" Susie asks.

"Oh my god" I must have forgot to put it back on when I was leaving the tent.

"Are you Immune" Susie whispers

Just then, a council member calls Chloe over.

Chloe please report directly to the Capitol, that car over there will take you. Wait what about my shoe.

"You will get clothes upon your arrival and will not need your suit" the council member says.

Back at the Immunity tent Percy holds Chloe's shoe. He stares down at it wondering if he will ever get to see her again.

The council members from the awakening arrive to take Percy back to his town. The awakening members have had many that were immune and while they have a truce with the former Virginia Commonwealth, they do not consider themselves to be apart of it and therefore their immune do not head to the capitol, but instead go back to the awakening for an immunity celebration with their family and friends.

As Percy drives away holding Chloe's shoe he wonders what the Capitol is going to do to her.
He wonders if he will ever get to kiss her again.

The end.... To possibly be continued...

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Saoirse Ronan

Saoirse Ronan

Join date : 2020-04-11
Age : 29

Immunity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Immunity   Immunity EmptySun Jul 05, 2020 12:06 pm

Although your story didnt win, I wanted to let you know that yours was my favorite 💕

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Penny Proud

Penny Proud

Join date : 2020-06-29

Immunity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Immunity   Immunity EmptySun Jul 05, 2020 12:09 pm

Aww, thank you I really appreciate that.
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Immunity Empty
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