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Big Brother Quarantine Season 9
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 Final 2

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Octavia Blake
Steven Stone
Megan Thee Stallion
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Join date : 2021-03-15

Final 2 Empty
PostSubject: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyFri Apr 09, 2021 10:49 pm

Final 2

Final 2 Bbq8_f11

Congratulations Cynthia & Megan Thee Stallion, you are the final 2. You both played very different games but somehow it lead both of you here tonight.

Cynthia & Megan Thee Stallion will post their opening statements and then the jury can start asking questions and comments. Until then, DO NOT ADDRESS THEM.

The Jury

Maggie Lindemann
Kendrick Lamar
Winnie The Pooh
Octavia Blake
Hermione Granger
Steven Stone
Nathan Drake
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Join date : 2021-03-16

Final 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyFri Apr 09, 2021 11:17 pm

Hello Jurors! I will admit I’m exhausted right now, but I’m looking forward to this questioning segment to explain any part of my game that may not have made sense or has been unclear, but above all, I’m here to tell you candidly what I’ve done over the course of the season. I won’t cover anything up. Flaws and all, I’m here to admit anything and everything I did wrong, but also, most importantly, explain everything I think I did right to get me to this position. At the very least, I’d like to show the logic behind my moves, even though I’m sure there are some that may not agree with all that logic.

One more thing to preface this is that none of my game-based decisions were ever meant to be personal. Those who felt I was leading you on while considering your pitches during votes, I want to say those instances of indecision on my end were genuine every single time. I know I can be frustrating and hard headed once I’ve made my mind up, but I’ll never not listen to a pitch. I’ll always consider my options, even though that may not have always been clear to some of you. (For example, I had a whole crisis during Bean’s eviction about wanting to keep her using my double vote and nullifier that… which… I never even spoke to Bean about, and only discussed with Octavia lmfao). The point is, one of my flaws is indecision. I’m never one to come to a decision lightly, which I realize comes off as fake if I end up sticking to my initial idea. This was particularly pertinent in Winnie’s eviction, so I wanted to apologize for being wishy washy and noncommittal during that vote. I was considering voting the opposite way, I was, but I know that when I waver only to go back to my initial decision, it seems fake as hell, so you had every right to be mad, and I’ll speak on that more later too. When I thought more about it, I felt like your ability to talk your way out of situations was admirable, and your ability to easily get the target off your back and onto Nando (as seen when Hermione said she would Backdoor him), was impressive. I felt as though you were a competition threat, and while you would be more likely to target Hermione over me, I also felt that it would put my fate into a Veto against Hermione. I didn’t want that. Say you nominated her or were planning to nominate her, but she won a Veto and comes off the block? Who goes up? Me. The answer is often always the other trainer. I felt a similar sense with Maggie, only in that case, my fear was the red team DID want to keep you around, and my thing was largely wishing to go against whatever red wanted to give myself an edge in the finals with pink instead. Hermione told me she wanted you to stay, therefore I felt there was no way to get close enough at that point, as the blue team had been whittled down already, and I felt if you chose a side, it wouldn’t be mine. Upon that eviction we hadn’t worked together at all, but still, I owed you more of an explanation. Ultimately my vote wasn’t personal, but was the best decision I could have taken game wise, and that goes for every vote.

Anyway, back to the beginning. Coming into this game, I entered with a target. Were there Trainer’s comps to aid me? Sure. Was there incentive for team loyalty? Absolutely. But at the end of the day, from the beginning, I knew I’d have to change my game and persona drastically to further minimize my target. I typed differently, I tried to sound Canadian, I said I was on PST, I used improper grammar and weird looking emoticons, putting on a somewhat obnoxious persona. Trust me, I’d never write “hehe,” “XD,” or “^.^” if I was being myself. I even threw a fake birthday just to get more socializing going, and wanted to give people more talking points to come to me and talk game. As we all know, the social game from the beginning was a bit slow; people didn’t often approach each other as much as they could because the game was so new and everyone was getting adjusted, and therefore I wanted absolutely anything to jumpstart it and bond with people. Of course, pretending to be someone else has its drawbacks, I couldn’t really enjoy all of my lies nor even enjoy menial things, like even the games because I went to the extent of pretending to draw very poorly and being bad at guessing things, showing that no matter how small the instance, I was thinking about minimizing people’s perception of my competence. I threw comps early on as well unless I needed them for my own safety. One important instance of that was when I threw the Endurance competition to see where Nessa and Hermione’s heads were at.

Round one, I knew there was innately going to be a divide based on how things were set up. One team (mine) receiving immunity while another (blue, via Lana) receiving HOH. This would mean more often than not that players of two different teams would land on the block, since two were essentially safe each week, and with votes, teams would have to choose a side. Round one, I chose Regina, and in tandem, I chose the red team, forming a stronger bond with Hermione than I did with the other two trainers, which I could immediately sense was going to be a good move. Hermione got first pick night one when we’d choose teams; she’d gotten a strong group, and she herself was clearly a strong player as well. I got along with her most AND I suspected she would be the strongest ally with the strongest team to protect me when possible, so I ran with that.

So though we were split quickly, the trainers, at the same time, all had an alliance (The Elite Four), and it was basically just a deal to not go after one another until Jury. That of course changed quickly in week two when Korra refused to reassure me at all, liking my messages regarding having shared interests and not actually responding, thus essentially letting me know I was a target of hers with her odd behavior. Of course after I’d won Veto she became communicative again, as she could no longer backdoor me as she’d planned. Knowing this was her plan though, did I alienate her and target her right away? No. I made a deal and decided if she was set on nominating two pink members it would be my inactive member, G.I.R, next to Theo instead of Tinkerbell next to Theo. No matter what, I knew I was saving my strongest member, Nando, and making Korra get bloodier instead. Though in the long run, it may seem this didn’t do much, it was necessary to ensure Tinkerbell was at least safe, as I knew she’d be a reliable vote and at least better in comps, and most importantly, I opened a line of communication with Korra, pitching we could secretly work together a bit with no one suspecting it at all, and thus a loose alliance of sorts was formed with Winnie, Kuzco, Nando, myself, and Tinkerbell while I could also be safely covered the most strongly with the red team. Though Forrest was never officially pulled into the pink/red alliance at that point, it seemed red/pink votes MOSTLY would align anyway, so there would be strong numbers going forward assuming one of us could maintain power often.

Overall, I made moves to attempt to keep myself and my team safe while also trying to do the least amount of dirty work for others (i.e not going for Korra, allowing Hermione to go after her instead, or in targeting blue over green knowing the red team was set on taking green out so I didn’t have to). Blue had some of the strongest players comps-wise, and if they had the same mentality of “red will go for green,” then they logically would have come for pink as well, as further indicated when Nessa nominated two of my team members.

That’s why I went for Nessa. That’s why I went after Bean and Maggie. Hermione was after Korra. Korra was after Hemione. Why tarnish a position in the middle of that? It wasn’t even necessarily a lack of trust in Nessa, but more so that Nessa was the least likely to do something in my best interest. Nessa may have portrayed herself as a “weak” trainer, but we all know she was perfectly capable of pulling something out, she was strong, and she’d shown the least cards, making her a liability. Some players believed it was dumb for me to take Nessa out, however when she won HOH, she had just secured a deal with Hermione and her team, and had another prior deal with Korra, which she admitted to me. She put up 2 pink members; the only other logical/possible move she would have made was to put me up had veto been used. The red and green team members had been ensured safety, and along with the rest of my team, we were the only one’s Nessa hadn’t made a deal with. She was covered on all sides, which was shown in the close vote. That’s why I needed her gone instead of targeting Korra as many players expected/asked me to do. Again, why do everyone’s dirty work when Hermione could predictably do it for me the very next week, evicting two trainers for the price of one? After not getting backdoored by Korra, our relationship had already mended slightly with our deal, so I made an attempt to at least get a little closer to Winnie in the case I’d have to abandon ship, or rather if Winnie would be forced to abandon ship after losing Korra, I at least could have some relationship to fall back on (unfortunately, however, I did feel as though Winnie had ties to everyone.) My personal read, which may be wrong, was that there was an alliance of Nando, Steven, Bean, and Winnie, which also potentially included Nathan, thus putting Nathan and Steven in a great spot, and also making me feel uneasy with these bonds. It’d be smart for them because no matter what teams went up there would be a solid chunk of votes from each team to keep one of them, which is what made it realistic. I got this idea because Steven would always relay to me where Winnie’s and Bean’s votes were going all the while claiming to not care for them. In my mind, cutting off my allies’ allies is a good move, because it FORCES my allies closer to me. They can’t jump ship to a sinking raft. They’re stuck; that’s what I needed. Could this read be inaccurate? Absolutely. But that was a large portion of my reasoning, having a wide spead social game was a threat, so I made sure the red team lost their allies when I could.

Upon discovering that Bean was working with some of the red team members as well, I knew it was time to cut her off too despite wanting to work with her at first, she was never willing to give me information, and would tell the red team things that they would then tell me. Steven was insisting on keeping Bean and I knew Steven and Nando were close, so I suggested to Nando to put Bean up. This was optimal for me as it would eliminate one of Steven’s allies, and for Nando, it would force a closer bond with him. It was further proven that they were close when Bean blamed Maggie for her eviction and Steven had brought that up as a point to keep her that week. Steven claiming to be confident Bean would go after her own team member had she stayed indicated closeness. He was pushing hard to keep her off the block. Nando decided to put her up, which I wanted, despite him being hesitant, and he was able to take her out even with her social gameplay. Many players would lose an ally with her gone, and that’s why it benefitted me. Even Nando didn’t seem to want her to go. I suspected a battleback would take place as well and I believed Bean would be a force to be reckoned with and had a high chance to come back and come back with a vengeance, and the vote count left her wondering who she could trust in the case she came back (which she did). Although she was a social threat, that threat had already been mitigated a bit by the time she came back as people were moving on and scrambling to find new allies.

Social game was such a threat to me because for the majority of the jury phase, I was always trying to appear as lesser than Hermione in every way, as she was the only player trainer with a HUGE target on their back left, knowing I would have to cut her (again, every time I considered cutting her, I was honest in that, but decided against it due to her capability of protecting me for longer by winning comps and buying more time before I should strike). In fact, I actually DID vote to evict Hermione round 6, but in this case, it was not with the intention of not working with her, it was with the intention of allowing her to beat everyone else in battleback (at the time, I’d felt Bean or Alice could come back and target me), and being that we’d had 2 red hinky votes already during two previous rounds, I could have plausible deniability on both ends, which I’d hoped would allow me to play the middle. When I made this vote to evict Hermione, I specifically told no one, not even Nando or Octavia (though I’d floated the idea with Octavia, but eventually “decided against it”). I did this in case something did go wrong and she stayed (which, as we know, she did), and this way I’d be able to fall back and stick with the red team as if I’d never wavered for a moment. My intention had always been to stick with the red team (as it was who I’d vibed with from the first week based on how the cards fell and also based on personal bonds already forming), but I just wanted to be in a position where no one could come back and target me and I could just pin the rogue vote on whomever Hermione thought it was. This could have gone wrong easily and Hermione could have suspected me had she come back, but I also felt there was enough deniability and enough of a track record of hinky votes showing up that I’d be able to deflect and still work with her strongly, all the while showing Korra I could potentially be an ally in some regard. Of course instead Korra leaked my plan to vote Hermione out 6-5 upon her eviction, but she had already lost a lot of credibility with her incessant lies. Being that Hermione still was able to trust and confide in me after that shows that my social game was strong with her, and that even if I couldn’t play the middle, I could adapt and deal with all the cards I was dealt (such as an unexpected vote from Megan to keep Hermione to ruin my plan). That mishap was my own fault though for not talking to everyone and just assuming green would vote together against her, and I’ll admit that, but again, I was set up so that even with my plan going awry, I was fine and set up well since I didn’t leak my plan to a soul (except Korra, who was regarded as unreliable), and because I never gave them a prior reason to doubt me much.

After this failed vote to evict her however, my next step was pretty clear, since there was no way Korra would fully trust me, and I’d just have to deny deny deny to work with the red team alone to get far while still trying to actively get rid of their allies in order to force them to stick with me when I could. I just had to be viewed as a lesser threat than Hermione as to not be the one evicted should there be a choice between the two of us. Hermione looked like a bigger threat than me and a frontrunner to win this game. I kept my wins below hers, (by final 8, she’d won 7 comps, I’d appeared to have won only 5), and every time someone left, people seemed to admire her more than me and made that clear upon their exit. I felt this would serve me well going into the final phase of the game, as if we happened to ever both be on the block, she’d be the goner, or if a backdoor were an option, she would be that option. I wanted to be the second largest threat with Hermione as a huge shield.

Hermione and I had a deal until Final 5/4 (we never specifically agreed on which it would be, 5 or 4), and I got the vibe that Hermione would stick to that based upon the sheer amount of talking we did, often telling each other a lot and admitting to our plans. Did I tell her everything? Absolutely not. And that’s where my positioning as lower than her comes in, and how contrary I believe my threat level should have been had I been exposed for other things:

I won Co-HOH. I won the two final anonymous Trainer Challenges. I scored the highest in all Money Tasks where it was possible to score in (Flappy Bird and the Posting Demon one), and I never told a soul about those wins (unless it was later when it no longer mattered). The ONLY person who knew about my Co-HOH at first was Octavia, and I didn’t tell her until way after I’d gotten it and then transferred it to her to use upon its expiration as extra security a DPOV floating around would not put her in danger. I didn’t know the DPOV would not be used, but either way, I wanted both of us safe for a week, and I also wanted less blood on my hands and to only make one nomination instead of two. As for the last power, I did lose the battle for the DPOV by one, but hey, you win some, you lose some, and I’d still had enough of a good relationship with Steven at the time wherein I may not have been in danger from it. Steven was one of the closest allies I had, and although I suspected he would have come after me, I chose to keep giving him some information in an effort to keep building that relationship and try and have him keep coming back to working with me. I also made sure I was evicting the people he wanted to keep in order for him to keep working with me.

These wins being anonymous were essential in the way I wanted to play this game. If you count my anonymous Trainer Comp wins, I actually had equal wins as Hermione (7 and 7) at Final 8. But no one knew. And this is why she was the bigger target. This is why enough people would be willing to take her out .

I’d been throwing relatively often in the early game (My Garden, Cavémon, Darkness Falls, Poisonous Rebus, & PokeFind GO!), because I’d felt safe enough and wanted to minimize my comp wins to be less than Hermione’s, or, rather, at least the public wins.

Proof that I threw Darkness Falls, for example? I won the Trainer’s Challenge that went with it, and pretended to be extremely tired and ready to go to bed to everyone I spoke to. I took a bribe for cards and money because my plan was always to win the anonymous powers all the while hyping up the fact that Korra probably had gotten all the powers (as she’d won the first one, and she was ineligible for HOH so it would be logical she could just do the Trainer’s Challenge portion). I won a Double Vote from it and gave it to Octavia. I won a Nullifier from the next anon Trainer’s Challenge and gave it to Nando. This was added security, because I knew other trainers would not have these powers and would at least know where they were. At the same time, it made me look like I wasn’t an Endurance threat, when in actuality, I stayed up anyway to complete the questions portion of the task.

In Hermione being made out as a larger threat, I could more safely campaign to people and allude that we were on the same page of getting her out as soon as possible. I could just tout the logical thing: She could beat me in the end. Did I really want her out though? Yes and no. I mentioned our deal until final 5, but I was always planning to go back on it at Final 6 had I gotten the chance. Instead, she expectedly and validly turned on me at the same point. She missed, and I hit. With the two of us, it really came to comps at that point after the resume we’d each built up, no one should have wanted to take us, and we knew that, hence we took each other to a point where one of us would inevitably vote the other out and take their chances winning comps until getting to finals. “Win a comp” may not seem to be the most strategic thinking at this point, but the competition had already been tailored in such a way where it was the most feasible. The strongest comp threats were gone, other trainers were gone, and once one another were out of the way, odds were optimized at last.

In my mind “beating the best” is taking them out at the moment I can. There is no reason to make my time more difficult in the end by taking them farther even if it doesn’t feel fair or right. We’ve all gone against the best and gone against each other this whole game. Taking someone out for being a threat isn’t cowardly to me, it’s rational. There is no reason to take risks in an individual game when you don’t have to. I respect everyone here, but at the end of the day, I’ve made unemotional decisions this entire game, and I wasn’t about to stop at the finale. I wasn’t about to make the weaker move and take the players who are likely to get many votes and who have been told on NUMEROUS occasions that they’re a deserving winner/have Jury support. I’ve done my best all season. I’ve made about 8,800 posts. Pulled all nighters. I’ve won 14 total comps if you count the two anonymous trainer’s comps and you count parts 1 and 3 as separate entities. I’m the sole person to never have a vote to evict cast against me (aside from Kuzco technically, s/o Kuzco <3). Though I’ve made mistakes (allowing myself to come off as fake due to my indecision, wavering on making stronger plays such as reaching out to Bean even after she nullified my vote to make a deal to go for red members next round, and in allowing Nando and Octavia to leave via my own failings in planning, allowing myself to be stuck in a finale surrounded by red team members and a green team member who was loyal to Hermione and not me). Despite any misjudgements, I pivoted to get here. I overcame the odds, I campaigned, and my social and competitive plays got me here. I hope you can all respect it; I love this game, I love the hosts, and I can’t wait to see each and every one of you at the reunion (even if you’re mad at me, idc, let’s have a civil argument for all I care, I’m down lmfao).

Ultimately, I had so much fun playing this season and I hope you’re able to see that every game decision I made was tactical and put me one step closer to the position I’m in now. I appreciate every single one of you and nothing I ever did was personal, and it doesn’t mean I don’t care for you.

Maggie, you were a great competitor and I wish we were able to form a stronger bond. I truly didn’t intend on putting you up but I was left with no option when Nessa came after my team and gave us that option, you would’ve chosen your team over me always which I respect and I knew you could save yourself with veto in order to get out Nessa, and ultimately I was scared you would win HOH and put me up if you didn’t go.

Kendrick, you were protected by your team for the longest time and they would have kept protecting you. You would’ve made it far if Korra wasn’t evicted when she was, so taking you out was the most beneficial for my game, even though I did enjoy our intermittent chats checking in with one another.

Winnie, I came to love you on the season and I wish we had stronger ties, but when you started coming super close to winning competitions, that scared me as I was never fully able to determine where your loyalty lied and I felt more secure with Megan staying in the game at that point who had already drawn a line in the game for herself and chosen a side. You played the middle well and I wanted to be in your position at some points, but with you in the house my position may have been forced to be different with red.

To Nando <3 I appreciate you so much and I was so sad to see you go, truly if it were up to me you would have stayed in the game, and I fought my ass off for you, but in the same way I was trying to get rid of the red team’s allies, they were attempting to take out mine and you were caught in the crossfire with everyone spreading your plans to evict Hermione until I was unable to help.

Bean, you were so fun to play with and you always gave me a challenge for the win and best of all were a wonderful sport who I think had the same mentality as me. I strongly considered keeping you during your second eviction and I probably would have if you or Octavia plead a bit harder with me, but when I found out everyone had already evicted you and you nullified my vote with a quickness, I was left with no option but to evict you as well in fear a power like a great ball or ultra ball were used against you anyway and I’d just stick out like a sore thumb squandering my powers for someone I’d never been really aligned with.

To Octavia, I love you so much! You always had my best interest at heart and were so loyal and amazing to strategize with, I was so heartbroken to see you go, it truly felt like my back was against the wall when you left, going into final 5 with 3 red team members and Megan. Your eviction lit the fire under my ass to get here, and I missed you so much, and wanted to come here together if we could.

To Hermione, There is so much I can say about your game; it’s all love, you would’ve done the same thing and you are truly one of the best players to play BBQ it was an honor to play alongside you and have you as an ally.

Steven, you were probably one of the biggest allies I had in the game, but the cards just didn’t fall in place and we had to compete against each other for that final veto competition. You were a competitive beast and you would’ve given me a run for my money in the final 2, and correct me if I’m wrong, but you were absolutely loyal to your team, you would’ve kept your team over me if I didn’t put you on the block final 5, and you would have evicted me final 4 had I not won veto. I didn’t take voting you out lightly, but it was just the most logical thing to do because I believe you would have taken Nathan over me to the end.

Nathan, you were the biggest threat out of everyone here, both you and Steven were the last players to touch the block which is an incredible feat in itself. You were also the only other player aside from myself to never receive an eviction vote on eviction night, as you never were in the position to be a final nom, so I had to change that. You won competitions when you needed to and there’s no denying you would have put out a tough fight for votes in the final 2 which is why I had to evict you. You’re the Neda/Vanessa of the season and I respect you a ton.

There’s no hard feelings on how you decide to vote; it’s your vote at the end of the day, and I just hope you’re able to take my decisions, regardless of how ruthless they were into consideration. I came to play Big Brother, but I’m glad to know I’ll be leaving with some friends as well <3

Anyway, I don’t need to make this any lengthier than it already is. If there are any doubts as to why I should receive your vote, I came in and started playing from the jump; as a returnee, I had a huge target on my back and managed to never be nominated until the final 6, and I was never a final nominee. I won competitions to ensure my safety and had alliances to keep me safe, proving I was as much of a social threat as many of you were. All in all, I’m willing to answer any and all questions personally and directly, so if you have questions about ANY rounds or ANY moves you’d like further clarity on, my sleep deprived brain will answer them to the best of my ability. Good Luck to Megan, and thank you for hearing me out, and I hope you can respect the game I’ve played <3

Joe Exotic, Natalie Negrotti, Dua Lipa, April Kepner, Jessie, Meowth, Megan Thee Stallion and Bean like this post

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Megan Thee Stallion

Megan Thee Stallion

Join date : 2021-03-16

Final 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyFri Apr 09, 2021 11:32 pm

That is very hard to follow omg but   Hello Jury, I am not expecting any votes here and that is something I am not mad at. Coming into to this, I said I was gonna play a loyal low lying game. My lying low became a little too low and that is something I’m SO SO sorry about. My activity started to pick up a ton during the jury phase, and even though I won no comps that is something I am glad I can say. 
   I played a very loyal game for the most part. My number ones were fairly early boots and I had to adjust around and start building relationships quickly. This was around the time I started working with Hermione. Being the vote that kept Hermione was the best thing I could’ve done in the game because 1. I earned an ally and 2. It kept two big targets to go after each other. 
     So, I know you guys think I was inactive, but I really was playing the game and it’s okay that you guys don’t see that. Cynthia is a lovely person to be sitting next to in the final two and I will be glad with the outcome of the game either way !

Joe Exotic, Natalie Negrotti, Dua Lipa, April Kepner, Jessie, Meowth, Cynthia and Bean like this post

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Join date : 2021-03-16

Final 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyFri Apr 09, 2021 11:39 pm

Hey!! Cynthia you played amazing! I learned a nice lesson in not being hasty bc Octavia did tell me about all that in the jury house and man did I screw up lolol but great game. You too Megan! you may not win but you have a lot of people dying laughing rn and you have this whole season! GG to you as well! My Question for both of you is what's your favorite color?!

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Megan Thee Stallion

Megan Thee Stallion

Join date : 2021-03-16

Final 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyFri Apr 09, 2021 11:41 pm

Sage green !

Dua Lipa, Cynthia and Bean like this post

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Join date : 2021-03-15

Final 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyFri Apr 09, 2021 11:41 pm

Green <3

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Join date : 2021-03-16

Final 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyFri Apr 09, 2021 11:42 pm

Megan answered first....noted
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Join date : 2021-03-16

Final 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyFri Apr 09, 2021 11:43 pm

Bean wrote:
Hey!! Cynthia you played amazing! I learned a nice lesson in not being hasty bc Octavia did tell me about all that in the jury house and man did I screw up lolol but great game. You too Megan! you may not win but you have a lot of people dying laughing rn and you have this whole season! GG to you as well! My Question for both of you is what's your favorite color?!

Thank you Bean! And aw, no I COMPLETELY understand why you didn't approach me tbh, I know I myself wasn't being very apparent that I could flip, as we'd kind of been being resigned to going after each other in former rounds Final 2 1f602 The reason I didn't pitch anything to you right away is because I knew my big flaw was floating ideas out there only to go back on them, making me look fake as hell, so I didn't want to approach you until I was SURE I could do something like that, but by that time, it was too late, so I guess that's a mess of communication on our parts lmfao.

Anyway, my favorite color is blue! (favorite team to target, and favorite color, it's true <3)

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Megan Thee Stallion

Megan Thee Stallion

Join date : 2021-03-16

Final 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyFri Apr 09, 2021 11:46 pm

Just clicked that Bean said people were laughing and I don’t know if I should be offended😭

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Join date : 2021-03-16

Final 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyFri Apr 09, 2021 11:46 pm


Yaaaa but it was my responsibility as the one on the block to say something and I didn't even reach out, which I always do but for some reason I was so set on you being the only one who'd 100% vote for me which now I know was the opposite, boy that would've been nuts but hey, in retrospect it all worked ut for you lmao congrats!

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Join date : 2021-03-16

Final 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyFri Apr 09, 2021 11:47 pm

Megan Thee Stallion wrote:
Just clicked that Bean said people were laughing and I don’t know if I should be offended😭

Amy Schumer, April Kepner, Jessie, Meowth and Cynthia like this post

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Steven Stone

Steven Stone

Join date : 2021-03-16

Final 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyFri Apr 09, 2021 11:51 pm

My only thing I want addressed Cynthia is this: I’ve been taking A LOT of shit in jury because not a lot of people respect my game I played or think that I played at all. I want to know specifically what you respected about my game, and why you deserve my vote, but I want you to explain to everyone else how you viewed me.

While I still do not respect the move of who you chose to sit next beside cause it practically guarantees your win versus something that you earned over a player who worked equally as hard if not harder than you. Idk if you watch drag race, but the way I viewed it, its similar to if Trinity just took someone like Farrah Moan to finals cause she knew she’s win over that. Sure you win the money and the title, but would you have earned it had the other person not been who they were?

At the end of the day, I had my Alaska AS2 “I’ll give you $5000 if you let me stay” breakdown moment, because I was crushed. Congrats on your potential win, but I just want that question answered for my own sake. Call me selfish idc, but thats all.

I have no questions for Megan. I will say however, I apologize for losing it on you when it turned out you were the one who kept me against Hermione.

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Join date : 2021-03-16

Final 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptySat Apr 10, 2021 12:09 am

That's fair you've been talking shit I suppose, we all have different views of the game and how it should be played, and that's fine. As for what I respect about your game, it's that I feel you were in a very solid position via how you aligned yourself in addition to which competitions you chose to win. You chose to make a move to get Korra out, for example, which I feel severely benefitted you and marked you as someone that the red team could rely on and want to take to the end because you'd be perceived as loyal and of value. I, too, thought you were loyal as hell, which made me want you around, but I knew you seemed willing to do other things as well such as perhaps get out Hermione from what Nando told me, which was someone I'd want to work with. You also gave a fair amount of information without giving too much to make many trust you. Back on the Korra Backdoor though, Korra was not only targeting Hermione, but she was also obviously going for her allies, and that included you, so you sealing that deal put you in a very respectable position and got out a large adversary.

Additionally, I do feel as though you had many different and overlapping ties. I believe you were close to some extent with Winnie, Bean, and definitely Nando. Having an alliance or bonds like this early game would prove to be essential I'm sure, because you'd have at least one person on every team voting to keep you should you hit the block (which mind you, you didn't even ever hit the block, also showing a respectable social game). Winnie and Bean DID vote your way at some points, showing you did have sway. Not sure how solid this alliance is or if it was even real, but the point still stands is that you had impact on them.

Not only that, but you clearly were working overtime to attain a Quarantine Power and a DPOV. It doesn't matter if the DPOV went unused, because it kept it out of the hands of others, and also, these two powers secured you safety during two vital weeks.

Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you were on the right side of the vote nearly every week, showing you knew what was happening at the least.

I do watch Drag Race, so I get what you mean, but as for why I still deserve your Jury vote, I think it's because at the end of the day, I still did take out some of the best players. Hermione, you, Nathan; all of you played brilliantly. In fact, many of the players in Jury who I chose to vote out played brilliantly. To me, beating the best is taking them out. I don't need to beat them in a speech at the end, I feel as though beating them at ANY point in the game should warrant good game play. I respect we don't have the same view on how this is done, but that's my view. I fought my way here against all odds. I thought you would stick with red at the end of the day; I thought you would cut me, and I cut you first. I won the vital competitions I needed; I never had a vote cast against me, and I positioned myself in a way that was of value to others too.

I never did the dirty work of others, I played for myself. Call me selfish for that, but I think that's what got me here, and I think based on the culmination of all my moves, shifting through the game and adapting to get to the end against someone I knew I could win against was strategic and the best I could do. I hope you do respect that, as I do continue to respect you were allowed to have your moment lol.

Joe Exotic, Amy Schumer, April Kepner, Megan Thee Stallion and Nando like this post

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Join date : 2021-03-16

Final 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptySat Apr 10, 2021 12:12 am

(Also if you need further elaboration and more specifics, let me know, I just didn't want to keep you waiting for a response too long)
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Steven Stone

Steven Stone

Join date : 2021-03-16

Final 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptySat Apr 10, 2021 12:16 am

You are not incorrect, aside from Regina I was never on the wrong side of the vote! Thank you for your answer. Although I will say, Nessa was my day 1 target, and you defs did my dirty work for me there 😉

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