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Big Brother Quarantine Season 9
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 Final 2

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Natalie Negrotti
Daenerys Targaryen
Jim Halpert
Cameron Van Buren
Aaron Ramsey
Buffy Summers
Arisa Cox
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Arisa Cox
Arisa Cox

Join date : 2020-04-07

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PostSubject: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyTue Jun 02, 2020 9:36 pm

Final 2

Final 2 Bbq2_f10

Congratulations Buffy Summers & DW, you are the final 2. You both fought very hard to get here and I am very proud of both of you. I saw the journeys first hand and you both had a very interesting and complex one to get all the way here, be proud.

Buffy Summers & DW will post their opening statements and then the jury can start asking questions and comments.

The Jury

Daenerys Targaryen
Pedro Aboud
Cameron Van Buren
Natalie Negrotti
SpongeBob SquarePants
Aaron Ramsey
Jim Halpert
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Buffy Summers

Buffy Summers

Join date : 2020-05-10
Age : 25

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyTue Jun 02, 2020 9:48 pm

I came into the game with a mission. I can't elaborate on my reasoning too much without giving away information about my identity, but I did want to be a social butterfly and control things in the background.
For the most part I think everything was going well until the big blow up with Russell, Kway and Amy. That event changed the way I had to play the game and it meant playing more defensively. I didn't have a lot of trust in my allies because I kept hearing rumors they wanted me gone. When people keep making alliances solely to take you out, people you considered allies, the layers pile up. It's a compliment now looking back, but I didn't always take it as a compliment in the heat of the moment. At one point, I shut down emotionally and decided that if I was going to be the villain of the season, I was going to do it with a smile as I slit your throats (in the game). I'm sorry if I offended or hurt anyone. I was on a war path and the passion sometimes made me short with people. I know I will want to be friends with everyone after this and I hope I didn't burn any bridges with my intensity.
I look forward to answering all your questions (because I’m sure there are plenty) and FINALLY getting to see all your beautiful faces <3

I'm a jittery, overcaffeinated mess, so please excuse any typos lol
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Join date : 2020-05-10

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyTue Jun 02, 2020 10:13 pm

That's an awful picture of me Arisa wtf. With that aside, I am so excited to be here and answer all your questions and I hope I can clearly lay out my game for you all! 

From the start of the game I was working hard. I knew I was going to play hard, with an emphasis on social game, and try to win competitions if I could. I formed alliances and was brought into alliances. On day 1 I created the girl gang alliance with me, Buffy, Big T, Syd, Cameron, and Harley Quinn. I was brought in to the big 10 alliance on day 2 started by Kway. But I also made sure to talk to every single person individually and establish a relationship. I had individual alliances with Daenerys, Big T, UBG, and Jim from the beginning. 

I was flexible in this game. Every time I saw myself potentially in danger, I made changes on the fly. I was never afraid to make big moves. As soon as I didn’t trust the Big 10 alliance anymore when they lied to me during the fire token HOH, I made sure to win the next HOH and put up Russell and Pedro, two of the biggest players in the game. When I sensed that Buffy and Aaron were too close and I couldn't trust them, I formed the Key 3 alliance with Big T and Syd to take them out. This alliance got exposed and I couldn't get Buffy or Aaron out during my HOH because of all their powers, but I fucking tried without fear and was able to get Syd out instead, a strong player. When Buffy won HOH and put me and Dany on the block, I thought I was done for. But I was able to convince nearly everyone to keep me because of my social game and I stayed 5-1 (I'm sorry Dany I miss you).

I won three HOHs and 3 vetos. I survived the block 4 times total. Unlike Buffy, I didn’t have a day 1 ally with me throughout the whole game who I could count on to win competitions. I watched all my allies go home. But after I survived my time on the block against my closest ally Daenerys, I knew I would be gone next unless I made a move. I swallowed my pride and approached Buffy and called a truce. I was able to form an alliance and strong friendships with people that hated my guts and convince them that it was in their best interest to align with me. From that point on, the three of us dominated as The Purge alliance. 

When we got to the final 4 and I won the final veto challenge, I made the huge move of evicting Aaron singlehandedly. Buffy and Aaron were not expecting this and I knew I would be betraying them, but I had to make the move. Even after I completely blindsided Buffy by evicting Aaron, I was able to reconcile with her and she still swore she would take me to the end. This shows how good my social game was. I also had a final 2 deal with Jim. Knowing this, I threw part 3 of the final HOH and I am now sitting in the final 2. 

I think the main way I beat Buffy out in this game is in the social aspect and being an underdog. I honestly feel like I had a personal relationship with every single one of you in the jury and had genuine one on one conversations with all of you. I was also fighting from the bottom with a target on my back for essentially the whole game. I betrayed Buffy and took out her number one ally, and she still forgave me and took me to the final 2. She already has 2 votes locked in with Aaron and her luxury win. She took me with her thinking she would beat me hands down. Vote for me and prove her wrong. 

I came into this game knowing I would do whatever it took to win, but I was going to have fun and never take anything personal. I hope none of you have any hard feelings against me, I know I’m responsible for several of you being evicted and I'm honestly sorry. My game was not flawless but I think it was dynamic and entertaining. I was always on my toes, never safe, but always surviving. I won competitions precisely when I needed to. I made all my decisions on my own for the sake of my own game, and no one else’s. I was going to do whatever it took to get to the end and I got there. I hope you all can respect that. Thank you. <3
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Buffy Summers

Buffy Summers

Join date : 2020-05-10
Age : 25

Final 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyTue Jun 02, 2020 10:15 pm

I enjoy the lies <3
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Buffy Summers

Buffy Summers

Join date : 2020-05-10
Age : 25

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyTue Jun 02, 2020 10:20 pm

DW wrote:
I swallowed my pride and approached Buffy and called a truce. I was able to form an alliance and strong friendships with people that hated my guts and convince them that it was in their best interest to align with me. From that point on, the three of us dominated as The Purge alliance. 

When we got to the final 4 and I won the final veto challenge, I made the huge move of evicting Aaron singlehandedly. Buffy and Aaron were not expecting this and I knew I would be betraying them, but I had to make the move. Even after I completely blindsided Buffy by evicting Aaron, I was able to reconcile with her and she still swore she would take me to the end. This shows how good my social game was. I also had a final 2 deal with Jim. Knowing this, I threw part 3 of the final HOH and I am now sitting in the final 2.
Would you like to tell people the real reason we became allies?
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Aaron Ramsey

Aaron Ramsey

Join date : 2020-05-10

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyTue Jun 02, 2020 10:20 pm

I just want to say congratulations both of you.
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Join date : 2020-05-10

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyTue Jun 02, 2020 10:21 pm

Hello there ladies and gents, I want to first start off by saying thank you Arisa for producing such a great season. Even though the gameplay this season became one-dimensional in terms of alliances, I do think the production value has been top-notch. The challenges have been fun, the experience has been wonderful, and I appreciate you keeping up with all our crazy requests for private rooms. Thank you for providing everyone with a unique experience; I can only hope they see how much hard work you put into this, especially by yourself. Such an iconic ~QUEEN~. You definitely deserve some appreciation for the effort and creative energy you’ve invested into this.

To the cast, it’s been wonderful playing with you all. Some of you I assume are insane, others I believe are probably awful too (looking at you C.A.T.H.) but overall, I’d say there are no hard feelings. If you take anything personally, lolol sucks to suck. I’m not going to apologize for anything I’ve said pertaining to the game. If I said you played atrociously, best believe I have no regrets saying it. With that in mind, if you’ve said things about me on a game level, like how sloppy I was with strategizing or whatever, that’s fair. I can take it. And for the specific individuals who literally used this game as a way to spew out vitriol and attack people on a personal level, whether to their faces or behind closed doors, I just hope things work out better for you in life because there’s no time for hate. We have too many crazy things going on in the real world. The last thing we need is Karen over here talking about how so-and-so needs to die in a fire or something because of [insert petty reason here]. Stop acting like a child ^_^ But to the good people of this game, who accept this is a game and aren’t going to hold onto grudges for the next five years or so, you’re the real heroes! Can’t wait to interact with you after this game when we don’t all hate each other. Especially my boy Aaron <3

To the two finalists, I do want to prelude this by saying you have managed to evade eviction for weeks now and have made finals. Regardless of what happens during this questioning or how anyone may perceive your gameplay, you have nothing to be ashamed of. The objective of this game is to make it to the end by any means necessary and then receiving a majority of the votes by your peers to receive the victory. However you decide to reach that point is all subjective. You have nothing to be ashamed of and I applaud you for reaching this stage of the game. Nothing anybody says or have said can take away from that. I believe that whoever makes finals in a game deserves to make finals for that season. Clearly your strategy worked regardless of what people respect. Your task now is to convince your peers why you should win over your opponent and why your method of making it here is more satisfying. Challenge wins do not matter, social game does not matter, strategy does not matter. You are both now on an even playing field, both facing the final jury. All that matters is now is your presentation. If you can sell ice to Eskimos, you absolutely deserve to win. If you cannot defend your case, please know that you are still a winner and it’s been a worthwhile experience.

I don’t have any specific game-related questions. I’ll be observing all game-related questions asked by the other jurors. One thing I would like to emphasize, however, is that Big Brother is a social experiment. At the end of the day, the way you interact with everyone else influences your placement in the season. So I want to take some time to focus on how much you’ve been able to relate to your fellow jurors. These questions are for both of you. I expect you both to answer however you see fit. Thank you.

Question #1: Not including anything gameplay-related, what are the strengths of each specific juror based on your interactions with him or her? Let me emphasize the not-gameplay-related. We all saw what happened in the game. I want to see what you know about each juror beyond the scope of a game. This is, after all, a social game. I imagine that if you had any intent to win, you would have taken the time to get to know each and every juror on a more intimate level.

Question #2: Not including anything gameplay-related, what are the weaknesses of each specific juror based on your interactions with him or her? Again, I do not care about gameplay-related weaknesses. We have a jury house where we hashed out where we went wrong.

Again, I have no hard feelings against either of you. I have vented my frustrations in the jury house, as anyone would do if were exiled from their peers. At the end of the day, it’s a game so I appreciate you coming here to play. I wish you both the best of luck here and I’ll be looking forward to a fun jury performance. Cheers!
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Aaron Ramsey

Aaron Ramsey

Join date : 2020-05-10

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyTue Jun 02, 2020 10:22 pm

Pedro is my new lover by the way. Sexy you had that all ready and colored.
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Cameron Van Buren

Cameron Van Buren

Join date : 2020-05-10

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyTue Jun 02, 2020 10:22 pm

Girl Gang! So happy to see you two in the final 2. I just want to say congratulations first, and know that my vote is truly up for grabs. All I ask if for honesty 😊
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Aaron Ramsey

Aaron Ramsey

Join date : 2020-05-10

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyTue Jun 02, 2020 10:23 pm

DW wrote:

When we got to the final 4 and I won the final veto challenge, I made the huge move of evicting Aaron singlehandedly. Buffy and Aaron were not expecting this

I made a confessional about knowing you were voting me out because I would have voted you out too, it made the most sense. Laughing.
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Jim Halpert

Jim Halpert

Join date : 2020-05-10
Age : 45

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyTue Jun 02, 2020 10:24 pm

Why does Pedro's message seem like a final 2 speech lol! lol!
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Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryen

Join date : 2020-05-10

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyTue Jun 02, 2020 10:24 pm

Congratulations to the both of you. Honestly you’ve both played an amazing game and a great representation for a crazy season <3
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Join date : 2020-05-10

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyTue Jun 02, 2020 10:25 pm

Jim Halpert wrote:
Why does Pedro's message seem like a final 2 speech lol! lol!

I am paying my respects to the host who doesn’t get enough credit <3
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Jim Halpert

Jim Halpert

Join date : 2020-05-10
Age : 45

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyTue Jun 02, 2020 10:27 pm

Peter wrote:
Jim Halpert wrote:
Why does Pedro's message seem like a final 2 speech lol! lol!

I am paying my respects to the host who doesn’t get enough credit <3

She is a queen, this is true
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Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryen

Join date : 2020-05-10

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 EmptyTue Jun 02, 2020 10:27 pm

Also Jim huge congrats on getting to final 3!!!
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